Hi all,

I have the following JSON-LD structure loaded in a named graph:

    "@context": {"@vocab": "http://ao.com/g/"},
    "@id" : "http://ao.com/uc/example";,
    "propOf": {
        "prop": {
            "term" : {"o#0" : "w#0","o#1" : "w#1",
                "o#2" : "w#2",
                "o#3" : "w#4"
        },"obj": "w#5"

When I request it with:

  GRAPH <http://ao.com/namedGraph/g> { ?s ?p0 ?o0 }
  FILTER (STR(?s) = "http://ao.com/uc/example";)

I get the following response:

                [ <http://ao.com/g/obj>   "w#5" ;
                  <http://ao.com/g/prop>  [ <http://ao.com/g/term>
                                    [ <http://ao.com/g/o#0>  "w#0" ;
                                      <http://ao.com/g/o#1>  "w#1" ;
                                      <http://ao.com/g/o#2>  "w#2" ;
                                      <http://ao.com/g/o#3>  "w#4"
                                    ] ]
                ] .

When I add to the URL ?output=json or json-ld or json-rdf I get a correct JSON 
response (as expected), but this JSON is flattened into array.

Is it possible to get a JSON response, which is structured, like the one above? 
Basically, I need some JSON response that is similar to the input. How can I 
have it?


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