Hey Milorad,

not 100% sure but could this thread be relevant?


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Milorad Tosic <mbto...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I may missed something fundamental about OWL, so would someone point me to 
> what I'm missing. The question is as follows:
> Restrictions are powerful and commonly used constructs in OWL. All the 
> examples that I am aware of define unnamed class of type owl:Restriction and 
> then do either owl:equivalentClass or rdfs:subClassOf. For example [1]:
> q:HighPriorityItem owl:equivalentClass
>    [a owl:Restriction;
>     owl:onProperty q:hasPriority;
>     owl:hasValue q:High].
> Would it make any difference if we used named instead of unnamed class? As in 
> the next corresponding example:
> q:HighPriorityItem owl:equivalentClass q:hasPriorityHigh.
> q:hasPriorityHigh a owl:Class;
>     a owl:Restriction;
>     owl:onProperty q:hasPriority;
>     owl:hasValue q:High.
> Thanks,
> Milorad
> [1] Dean Allemang, Jim Hendler "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: 
> Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL", Second edition, Morgan Kaufmann 
> Publishers

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