On 08/07/17 18:56, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
Hi all, I've been using Jena for some time now, working with the Java
API directly, and only recently began looking at Fuseki.  Now, looking
at the Fuseki docs page, I see a section listed as "Use from Java"
that points to

Fixed (in staging).

But that URL doesn't lead to anything.

I'm curious as to what, if anything, that ought to point to.  I'm not
even sure what it means to say "use Fuseki from Java" other than just
using something like HTTPClient to interface with the Fuseki HTTP
services.  Is there more I should know about, or is that pretty much



From Java,


This pulls together the different SPARQL protocol APIs (query, update, GSP) into one thing and provides for a uniformity between local and remote.

That's not the same as making remote look like local. The unit of work is no longer an individual statement in a model for remote.

In addition to the command line tools mentioned, there is also the SOH scripts:



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