Only thing I could think of is to try the insert first on some temp graph to see if it succeed. That can be unnecessary heavy though.

On 26/03/2022 11.12, Andy Seaborne wrote:

If you put all the changes in one update request, they will be done atomically.

DELETE { ... } WHERE { ... }

Also, the WHERE clause in a DELETE-INSERT-WHERE can be used to "switch off" an operation.


On 24/03/2022 13:17, Mikael Pesonen wrote:

We have occasionally an issue with replace where inserting new data may fail after old data has been deleted. What is the recommended way to do this kind of multipart SPARQL with Fuseki (not java)? First option comes to mind is to test if SPARQL insert is correct and WOULD be executed. Is this possible?

Lingsoft - 30 years of Leading Language Management

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Mikael Pesonen
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