Thanks Paolo,

Yes we're planning to change LARQ's code. Below are the changes we want to
1. To replace the default tokenizer with our Chinese tokenizer.
2. To replace the Lucene scores with some other similarity scores, such as
"med(query, literal) divided by (query. length + literal. length)" (med
means minimum edit distance), which ranges from 0 to 1. 
3. To add a property argument to the pf:textMatch function so that pattern
{?x pf:textMatch ("bookxxx" 1 ex:authorOf)} bounds ?x to the first object of
property ex:authorOf that matches "bookxxx", instead of the first object of
all matches. (I suggested using sparql sub-queries but our sparql users
prefer the extended pf:textMatch.

As to the pom.xml patch, can we change it so that the LARQ dependence point
to our local LARQ.jar, instead of the official maven repository? (I'm not
familiar with maven)


-----Original Message-----
From: Paolo Castagna [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 4:20 PM
Subject: Expanding LARQ... (Was: LARQ usage, dependencies)

Hi Tao,
if you can share your requirements, that would be great. Maybe others need
the same features/capabilities and we can do something about it together.

I am not sure exactly what you mean with 'expanding LARQ'. Are you changing
LARQ's code?

LARQ is an additional jar which extends ARQ adding support for free text
searches in SPARQL queries. It can be simply added to a classpath of any
Java application using ARQ. Fuseki is one of such applications and the way
you do this with Maven is adding a dependency to LARQ in the Fuseki's
pom.xml file as shown in the patch attached to JENA-63 [1] (for example).
Would that work for you?

Is it the scores you are trying to change [2]? ;-)



Tao wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> One of our index guys is working on expanding LARQ to meet our own 
> requirements. However, I'm not sure how to assemble it with Fuseki 
> when he finished. Can you suggest how?
> Thanks
> Tao

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