Have you installed the NPM package handler locally. Saw that Ontodia also has 
script fallback loading mechanism?

Från: Bart van Leeuwen <bart_van_leeu...@netage.nl>
Skickat: den 5 maj 2020 21:10
Till: users@jena.apache.org <users@jena.apache.org>
Ämne: Re: Visualization module/webapp of statements from Fuseki endpoint


We use Ontodia [1] for exactly that, works over standard sparql, is 
customizable and can easily be put in a war.
Currently the open source version maintained by MetaPhacts

[1] https://github.com/metaphacts/ontodia

Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
Bart van Leeuwen

twitter: @semanticfire
tel. +31(0)6-53182997
Netage B.V.
Esdoornstraat 3
3461ER Linschoten
The Netherlands

From:        Glenn TheMan <anykeystu...@hotmail.com>
To:        "users@jena.apache.org Apache Jena maillist" <users@jena.apache.org>
Date:        05-05-2020 13:25
Subject:        Visualization module/webapp of statements from Fuseki endpoint

Hi, I am running Fuseki as an webapp inside Tomcat. I was wondering if there is 
a module or webapp to easy install in tomcat to visualise statement from the 
Fuseki endpoint. I was thinking trying to build a separate webapp (war file) 
with WebOWL static HTML+JS files. But JS library leaves much to desire and 
hasn't bean updated the last 4-5 year. Other JS library I've bean looking at 
depend on Node.JS. I would prefer module that are built on D3.js or something 
else that is easy to setup (no need for installing local packages).

Is there a module/webapp that can easily be setup to visualize statements from 
a Fuseki endpoint (what are you using)?


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