Re: Is kafka support dynamic ACL rule

2019-01-07 Thread ilter P
Hi, While creating the ACL you can do that however while Kafka authorizing it does not support any REGEX for users You have to create a new Authorizer class by extending Authorizer f.i "SimpleAclAuthorizer.scala" ->

AdminClient error while calling the createACL function

2018-11-12 Thread ilter P
Hi, I am running 1 node kafka setup in my local Docker and trying to create ACLs by using AdminClient API but receiving the following error: [2018-11-12 23:21:20,065] TRACE [AdminClient clientId=adminclient-1] Metadata is not ready: we have not fetched metadata from the bootstrap nodes yet.

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SecurityDisabledException: No Authorizer is configured on the broker.

2018-11-12 Thread ilter P
Hi, I am trying to create ACLs programatically during the connection and inside the AuthenticationCallbackHandler. I am using AdminClient API as: Initialize AdminClient*** properties = new HashMap<>(); //TODO: read Those from properties

Custom Token Authentication Callback

2018-11-09 Thread ilter P
Hi, I am trying to build a custom sequence to authenticate the clients. According to documentation, I need to create 2 different Callback: sasl.login.callback.handler.class -> I am assuming this is for the first time connect request comes then I should create a JWT token inside this Callback