Hi guys,

I was reading a paper today in which the latency of kafka and rabbitmq is

To my surprise, kafka has shown some large variations of latency as the
number of records per second increases.

So I am curious about why is that. Also in the
ProducerPerformanceTest: in/kafka-run-class.sh
org.apache.kafka.clients.tools.ProducerPerformance test7 50000000 100 -1
*acks=1* bootstrap.servers=esv4-hcl198.grid.linkedin.com:9092
buffer.memory=67108864 batch.size=8196

Setting acks = 1 means the producer will wait for ack from leader replica,
right? Could that be the reason which affects latency? If I set it to 0, it
will make the producers send as fast as possible therefore the throughput
can increase and latency decrease in the test results?

Thanks for answering.


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