I'm just working through the Quickstart page.
As I'm working on Windows, I use MinGW to emulate Linux.
1) On MinGW, I get this error:
me@computer MINGW64 /c/java/kafka_2.12
$ bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
log4j:ERROR Could not read configuration file from URL 
\c\java\kafka_2.12\bin\..\config\tools-log4j.properties (The system cannot find 
the path specified)
Other commands like zookeeper-server-start.sh or kafka-server-start.sh
work without errors on MinGW.
2) The Quickstart is Linux only, all commands are Linux, e.g. 
I'm mistyping all the time, and I guess, other folks are pretty much like me.
How about providing either
  a) a separate page for Windows with the appropriate commands like 
\bin\windows\whatever.bat ...
  b) adding buttons like [I use Windows] and [I use Linux], and the page 
changes the OS specific commands.

3) The Quickstart shows, how to setup a cluster. I found this configuration 
property very confusing:

PLAINTEXT? Really? Why PLAINTEXT? I think, this is worthy of some documentation 
or should be
replaced by the hostname / ip to avoid confusion.


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