Re: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException in

2016-09-16 Thread Ali Akhtar
Some googling indicates that there are issues on AWS / EC2 when using the private IP, and its recommended to use the public ip as the advertised hostname instead. I have zookeeper and Kafka both running on EC2, and both are in the same availability zone, so both should be able to talk to each othe

java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException in

2016-09-16 Thread Ali Akhtar
I've created a 3 broker kafka cluster, changing only the config values for broker id, log.dirs, and zookeeper connect. I left the remaining fields as default. The broker ids are 1, 2, 3. I opened the port 9092 on AWS. I then created a topic 'test' with replication factor of 2, and 3 partitions.