  I have a problem with missed DLRs. System setup:-

- Latest Kannel source snapshot
- Using a Siemens TC35 GSM modem as virtual SMSC
- AT2 driver
- DLR mask is set to 31
- DLR storage set to internal

When sending several SMS in quick succession, I have missed "delivered to
phone" DLRs (status 1). All SMS receive a "delivered to SMSC" (status 8) DLR
OK. In bearerbox.log, I see (phone number edited):-

2002-10-24 14:50:57 [5] DEBUG: Looking for DLR smsc=(null), ts=79,
dst=+441234567890 type=1
2002-10-24 14:50:57 [5] DEBUG: DLR not found!
2002-10-24 14:50:57 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: Received delivery
notification but can't find that ID in the DLR storage
2002-10-24 14:50:57 [5] DEBUG: System error 1: Operation not permitted

The problem only occurs when multiple messages are sent together. Any advice
would be much appreciated.


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