Thanks, it works!

But - why bearerbox sometimes uses http to deliver message to SMSC,
sometimes ip?
Brgds Jorgen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Aarno Syvänen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sendt: 22. juli 2002 07:16
Til: Jorgen Greve
Emne: Re: push sl

Jørgen Greve kirjoittaa perjantaina, 19. heinäkuuta 2002, kello 15:30:Hi 
on the list!
> I have installed and configured kannel 1.2 on Linux 2.4.18 (RH 7.3) and
> connected it to a CMG SMSC.
> Using "test_ppg", I try to send push messages to a Siemes M50 mobil 
> phone.
> The "push SI" is delivered correct, but doing a Push SL, generates an 
> error
> in the wapbox: "WARNING: Unknown tag sl in SI source".
> I used the xml scripts, taken from kannel 1.2 userguide and also scripts
> from other demos (cmg), with no luck for push SL.
> Is kannel 1.2 able to do push SL ???
> If yes, someone got scripts that actually works with test_ppgm ???

You must specify content type, if it is not SI document, by adding -c sl 
to test_ppg
command line parameters, when it is sl document.


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