Hi List,

I am having a fairly odd error/misbehavior when sending messages via a certain aggregator to a certain provider (Names withheld to protect the innocent and so on...). This error is not present when using this aggregator to send to other providers, or when sending to this provider via other aggregators, so it does look very much route dependent. Since the aggregator & their upstream providers have been locking at this for over a week without being able to come up with a solution, I am hoping this might be something someone here has faced and maybe solved. A point is that this problem started suddenly, while before all was working fine.

So to the Problem...

When sending messages via this path, the messages appear on the phone with characters missing from the end. More specifically every 8 characters in a message, 1 gets dropped.
For example I
send: 12345678
received: 1234567

The problem happens on plain ASCII single part messages, as well as more complex messages. This 7+1 relationship intrigues me, and makes me wonder if there is a box somewhere that does not handle the 7 bit GSM characters the proper way, maybe converting them to 8 bit, and causing a problem on a handoff to another box that trims again to 7 bit, or some other scenario of this sort.

Kannel logs and wireshark packet captures confirm that the message is leaving my systems fine.

Any help appreciated!

Kyriacos Sakkas

Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
Tel: + 357 22 452565
Fax: + 357 22 452566

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