hi all,
    the solution to this maybe obvious, but its escaping me.
I have an sms-service :
group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url =
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
max-messages = 3
concatenation = true

but only the sender gets passed. the other get variables contain the
escape codes eg. text contains %a.
can anybody spot any mistakes in that. (kannel 1.4 on Debian testing,
posting to same box apache2/php4)

also since I couldn't find any description of this elsewhere, could
somebody explain the use of post-url.
How do i actually specify the parameters that i need to be posted? Is it
a case of doing the same as get-url and letting kannel do the
translation, or is it a bit more involved?

    Kyriacos Sakkas.

Kyriacos Sakkas
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