leading space symbol removed on incoming messages

2012-04-23 Thread Aleksey Ermakov


I'm using kannel 1.4.1 at CentOS. When I receive SMS message, first 
space symbol (0x20) is removed for some reason from callback url. 
Because of this messages decoded wrong from UTF-16BE.

For example user sends this message 20 0f 00 31 - it's symbol 1 with 
right-to-left mark symbol at the beginning (UTF-16BE encoding). I 
receive in callback url only this: text=%0F%001.
Is there any workaround for this? Or should I use %b parameter (means  
the original SMS message, in a binary form) in callback url instead of %a?

Here is my settings:
keyword = default
catch-all = true
concatenation = true
get-url = 

max-messages = 0

2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x2aaab4008650 dump:
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   type_name: deliver_sm
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   command_id: 5 = 0x0005
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 33647153 = 

2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   service_type: NULL
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   source_addr_ton: 1 = 0x0001
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   source_addr_npi: 1 = 0x0001
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   source_addr: ***
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   dest_addr_ton: 1 = 0x0001
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   dest_addr_npi: 1 = 0x0001
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   destination_addr: ***
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   esm_class: 0 = 0x
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   protocol_id: 0 = 0x
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   priority_flag: 0 = 0x
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   schedule_delivery_time: NULL
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   validity_period: NULL
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   registered_delivery: 0 = 
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 

2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   data_coding: 8 = 0x0008
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   sm_length: 4 = 0x0004
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:   short_message:
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:Octet string at 0x2aaab4007c20:
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:  len:  4
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:  size: 5
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:  immutable: 0
2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:  data: 20 0f 00 

2012-04-19 06:37:37 [16269] [41] DEBUG:Octet string dump ends.


2012-04-23 Thread Chen Alkabets
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2012-04-23 Thread Mohamed Ould Mohamed Salem

