On 06/22/2017 10:32 PM, Paul Bronson via Users wrote:
> Okay here is what I have.. Still not sure what's wrong.
> http://imgur.com/a/k0ysM
> http://imgur.com/a/QuyaO
> http://imgur.com/a/9pNyl
> I have the IP listed in my networks.
> So my setup goes like this:
> Incoming email >> firewall >> email server
> Cipher mail is not used for incoming, but my outgoing setup is:
> Outgoing email >> email server >> ciphermail server >> firewall >> internet
> For some reason I think something is getting clogged up on CM server. I
> have the email server (postfix) setup with a relayhost, so it will forward
> all mails to the ciphermail server. The "locality" setting on my server is
> "external" - does this matter? It's behind our firewall and should only be
> sending mail off from our internal mail server.
> I had it on in the morning and the others told me they are getting a lot of
> bouncebacks. I have a feeling this is because of the SFP records but I want
> to make sure the server is setup properly.
> The OTP you helped me with works now also, thank you!
> Everything is inherited from global also.

Once the email has been handled by the back-end (MPA), the email is
handed over to the MTA (Postfix). The MTA is responsible for delivering
the email. If the email is not delivered you should check the MTA logs
to see why. There can be a number of reasons why the recipients mail
server won't accept email: your IP address might be dynamic (i.e., some
consumer type ISP), there is no IP reverse name for your IP address, the
reverse IP name is not the same as the SMTP helo name. your IP might be

Solving this does not involve making changes in the CipherMail global
settings. The only change in CipherMail that influences delivery is the
MTA helo name.

Could you sent some MTA logs showing which mails were not delivered?

What is the IP address the CipherMail gateway is using?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
secure webmail pull.


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