2010/2/25 Natr Brazell <natrbraz...@gmail.com>:
> All,
> I'm new to the community and apologize if posting to the wrong area.  I'm
> looking for "_current_" information relating to a forum or documentation on
> RHEL Directory Server wrt to application integration.  I'm making the
> assumption that the FDS is a parallel effort.  I've used RHDS for basic user
> authentication but would like to do more with it.  The docs that come with
> it are pretty extensive but really don't cover basic things such as
> integrating say autofs etc.  Everywhere I read it says things like "you can
> easily extend it to do ..."  but no where does it say "here's how".
>  Probably just looking in the wrong places.
> If this is the wrong area, please advise on where to post if you know.  No
> flaming please.
> Nate
> --
> 389 users mailing list
> 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users


How applications integrate with 389 is normally the job of the
application developer. I can give you two examples of this: sudo and
as you mentioned autofs. Normally such applications supply a schema
file that defines how the data it needs should be structured.

LDAP servers like 389 do not know what the data is or how it is used,
they only know how to store,search,modify, and delete it.

If you are interested in having your own application integrate with
LDAP you should begin by learning how to design new schema, or
possibly use/reuse already existing schema if applicable. If you are
interested in learning how autofs integrates with LDAP that
documentation would be found with the autofs vendor.
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