I have an SD card all the time in my Asus ee900 that I have just put f20 i386 on. I close the system regularly then open it up, unlock and do something. On f17, this was not a problem. I just realized that the SD card would become read-only after resume. i have to unmount it, remove it, and reinsert it to get it writeable. I also have to close the copy of Nautilus that was open and start a new copy to actually access the SD card (even though it shows listed). I know the problem is not just in Nautilus, because in a terminal window, I cannot cp a file to the SD card.

A bug I guess? I am getting ready to do a reinstall on the system. I have learned a few things, see there was a BIG update last night (600Mb download for each i386 and x86_64).

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