
Look's like your are missing a class description or a nib name. Here
some points to check:
- In your Info.plist file, have you set the right Document subclass
(under the <NSDocumentClass/> tag) ?
- Is the NIB filename correct in your NSDocument subclass (the return
of the windowNibName method) ?

For more hints, check the "Introduction to Document-Based Applications
Overview" at 

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2008/7/25 Ben Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am looking port my .NET to Mac OS with monobjc.  I have been trying to
> create a multi document application.
> Looking at the examples I have been able to build a working app, however
> when my app runs is does not open a new document and the new document menu
> item is greyed out.
> I have copied the examples QTTimePlayer and The CustomSave.  I am building
> the exe from VS2008 on windows.
> Regards,
> Ben Martin
> TruStorm Software
> http://www.trustorm.com.au
> 0407 256 072

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