Hi Ralph,

I've not yet determined whether this is actually a PMIx issue or the way
the dpm stuff in OMPI is handling PMIx namespaces.


Am Di., 11. Aug. 2020 um 19:34 Uhr schrieb Ralph Castain via users <

> Howard - if there is a problem in PMIx that is causing this problem, then
> we really could use a report on it ASAP as we are getting ready to release
> v3.1.6 and I doubt we have addressed anything relevant to what is being
> discussed here.
> On Aug 11, 2020, at 4:35 PM, Martín Morales via users <
> users@lists.open-mpi.org> wrote:
> Hi Howard.
> Great!, that works for the crashing problem with OMPI 4.0.4. However It
> stills hanging if I remove “master” (host which launches spawning
> processes) from my hostfile.
> I need spawn only in “worker”. Is there a way or workaround for doing this
> without mpirun?
> Thanks a lot for your assistance.
> Martín
> *From: *Howard Pritchard <hpprit...@gmail.com>
> *Sent: *lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020 19:13
> *To: *Martín Morales <martineduardomora...@hotmail.com>
> *Cc: *Open MPI Users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [OMPI users] OMPI 4.0.4 crashes (or hangs) with
> dynamically processes allocation. OMPI 4.0.1 don't.
> Hi Martin,
> I was able to reproduce this with 4.0.x branch.  I'll open an issue.
> If you really want to use 4.0.4, then what you'll need to do is build an
> external PMIx 3.1.2 (the PMIx that was embedded in Open MPI 4.0.1), and
> then build Open MPI using the --with-pmix=where your pmix is installed
> You will also need to build both Open MPI and PMIx against the same
> libevent.   There's a configure option with both packages to use an
> external libevent installation.
> Howard
> Am Mo., 10. Aug. 2020 um 13:52 Uhr schrieb Martín Morales <
> martineduardomora...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi Howard. Unfortunately the issue persists in OMPI 4.0.5rc1. Do I have
> to post this on the bug section? Thanks and regards.
> Martín
> *From: *Howard Pritchard <hpprit...@gmail.com>
> *Sent: *lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020 14:44
> *To: *Open MPI Users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
> *Cc: *Martín Morales <martineduardomora...@hotmail.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [OMPI users] OMPI 4.0.4 crashes (or hangs) with
> dynamically processes allocation. OMPI 4.0.1 don't.
> Hello Martin,
> Between Open MPI 4.0.1 and Open MPI 4.0.4 we upgraded the internal PMIx
> version that introduced a problem with spawn for the 4.0.2-4.0.4 versions.
> This is supposed to be fixed in the 4.0.5 release.  Could you try the
> 4.0.5rc1 tarball and see if that addresses the problem you're seeing?
> https://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v4.0/
> Howard
> Am Do., 6. Aug. 2020 um 09:50 Uhr schrieb Martín Morales via users <
> users@lists.open-mpi.org>:
> Hello people!
> I'm using OMPI 4.0.4 in a very simple scenario. Just 2 machines, one
> "master", one "worker" on a Ethernet LAN. Both with Ubuntu 18.04.I builded
> OMPI just like this:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi-4.0.4/bin/
> My hostfile is this:
> master slots=2
> worker slots=2
> I'm trying to dynamically allocate the processes with MPI_Comm_Spawn().
> If I launch the processes only on the "master" machine It's ok. But if I
> use the hostfile crashes with this:
> *--------------------------------------------------------------------------At
> least one pair of MPI processes are unable to reach each other forMPI
> communications.  This means that no Open MPI device has indicatedthat it
> can be used to communicate between these processes.  This isan error; Open
> MPI requires that all MPI processes be able to reacheach other.  This error
> can sometimes be the result of forgetting tospecify the "self" BTL.
> Process 1 ([[35155,2],1]) is on host: nos-GF7050VT-M  Process 2
> ([[35155,1],0]) is on host: unknown!  BTLs attempted: tcp selfYour MPI job
> is now going to abort;
> sorry.--------------------------------------------------------------------------[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526]
> [[35155,2],1] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Unreachable in file dpm/dpm.c at line
> 493--------------------------------------------------------------------------It
> looks like MPI_INIT failed for some reason; your parallel process islikely
> to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process canfail during
> MPI_INIT; some of which are due to configuration or environmentproblems.
> This failure appears to be an internal failure; here's someadditional
> information (which may only be relevant to an Open MPIdeveloper):
> ompi_dpm_dyn_init() failed  --> Returned "Unreachable" (-12) instead of
> "Success"
> (0)--------------------------------------------------------------------------[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526]
> *** An error occurred in MPI_Init[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526] *** reported by
> process [2303918082,1][nos-GF7050VT-M:22526] *** on a NULL
> communicator[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526] *** Unknown error[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526]
> *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now
> abort,[nos-GF7050VT-M:22526] ***    and potentially your MPI job)*
> Note: host "nos-GF7050VT-M" is "worker"
> But If I run without "master" in hostfile, the processes are launched but
> It hangs: MPI_Init() doesn't returns.
> I launched the script (pasted below) in this 2 ways with the same result:
> $ ./simple_spawn 2
> $ mpirun -np 1 ./simple_spawn 2
> The "simple_spawn" script:
> *#include "mpi.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(int argc,
> char ** argv){    int processesToRun;    MPI_Comm parentcomm, intercomm;
> MPI_Info info;    int rank, size, hostName_len;    char hostName[200];
>   MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );    MPI_Comm_get_parent( &parentcomm );
> MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
> &size);    MPI_Get_processor_name(hostName, &hostName_len);    if
> (parentcomm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {                if(argc < 2 ){
> printf("Processes number needed!");            return 0;        }
> processesToRun = atoi(argv[1]);        MPI_Info_create( &info );
> MPI_Info_set( info, "hostfile", "./hostfile" );        MPI_Info_set( info,
> "map_by", "node" );                MPI_Comm_spawn( argv[0], MPI_ARGV_NULL,
> processesToRun, info, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &intercomm, MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE);
>       printf("I'm the parent.\n");    } else {        printf("I'm the
> spawned h: %s  r/s: %i/%i.\n", hostName, rank, size );    }
> fflush(stdout);    MPI_Finalize();    return 0;}*
> I came from OMPI 4.0.1. In this version It's working... with some
> inconsistencies I'm afraid. That's why I decided to upgrade to OMPI 4.0.4.
> I tried several versions with no luck. Is there maybe an intrinsic problem
> with the OMPI dynamic allocation functionality?
> Any help will be very appreciated. Best regards.
> Martín

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