
what is the IP address of the machine you can not connect ?

All those VMware interfaces look suspicious, anyway.

In the mean time I uploaded 4.1.0-1 for X86_64,
you can try to see if solve the issue.

the i686 version in still in build phase

On 05.02.2021 20:46, Martín Morales wrote:
Hi Marcos,

Pasted below the output.

Thank you. Regards,


/internal_name:  {A6301D34-A586-4439-B7A7-69FA905CA167}/

/flags:         AF_INET6 up running multicast/

/address:       fe80::e5c6:c83:8653:3cd8%14/

/friendly_name: VMware Network Adapter VMnet1/


/internal_name:  {A6301D34-A586-4439-B7A7-69FA905CA167}/

/flags:         AF_INET  up broadcast running multicast/


/friendly_name: VMware Network Adapter VMnet1/

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