
Then you'll be happy to know I've been building OpenMPI for years and I never had any complaints about your configure/build system. Of course, I'm a pro who gets paid to build open-source software all day long, but I have to say I've never had any issues with configure, make, or 'make check' with any version of OpenMPI.

Keep up the great work!


On 7/18/20 9:36 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users wrote:
Woo hoo!  I love getting emails like this.  We actually spend quite a bit of time in the design and implementation of the configure/build system so that it will "just work" in a wide variety of situations.


On Jul 17, 2020, at 5:43 PM, John Duffy via users < <>> wrote:

Hi Lana

I’m a Open MPI newbie too, but I managed to build Open MPI 4.0.4 quite easily on Ubuntu 20.04 just following the instructions in README/INSTALL in the top level source directory, namely:

mkdir build
cd build
../configure CFLAGS=“-O3”  # My CFLAGS
make all
sudo make all
sudo make install

It just worked. My small cluster happily runs Open MPI over TCP/1GB Ethernet.

The make install step installed everything into /usr/local. I did forget to ldconfig initially, which confused me. Other than that it just worked.


Jeff Squyres <>

Prentice Bisbal
Lead Software Engineer
Research Computing
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

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