We are eliminating the use of rsh at our company and I'm trying to test out 
openmpi with the Nasa Overflow program using ssh.
I've been testing other MPI's (MPICH1 and LAM/MPI) and if I tried to use rsh 
the programs would just die when running
using PBS.  I submitted my Overflow job using  --mca plm_rsh_agent rsh and was 
surprised to see the job run.
Does this setting fail over to ssh if rsh is not available or should it just 
use rsh only???  Also is there any command
(this is a linux cluster) to see if ssh is being used.  I'm trying to 
definitely make sure that it is using ssh and not rsh.
rsh has been turned off on these nodes, so I'm pretty sure it's using ssh, but 
want to make sure.

Thanx in advance for any help that can be provided.

Bernie Borenstein
The Boeing Company

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