Re: [OMPI users] CUDA IPC/RDMA Not Working

2016-03-30 Thread Justin Luitjens
We have figured this out.  It turns out that the first call to each 
MPI_Isend/Irecv is staged through the host but subsequent calls are not.


From: Justin Luitjens
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: CUDA IPC/RDMA Not Working


I have installed OpenMPI 1.10.2 with cuda support:

[jluitjens@dt03 repro]$ ompi_info --parsable --all | grep 

I'm trying to verify that GPU direct is working and that messages aren't 
traversing through the host.  On a K80 GPU I'm starting 2 MPI processes where 
each takes one of the GPUs of the K80.  They then do a send receive of a 
certain size.

In addition,  I'm recording a timeline with nvprof to visualize what is 
happening.  What I'm excepting to happens is there will be one MemCpy D2D on 
each device corresponding to the send and the recive.  However,  What I'm 
seeing is each device  D2H followed by a H2D copy suggesting the data is 
staging through the host.

Here is how I'm currently running the application:

mpirun --mca btl_smcuda_cuda_ipc_verbose 100 --mca btl_smcuda_use_cuda_ipc 1 
--mca btl smcuda,self --mca btl_openib_want_cuda_gdr 1 -np 2 nvprof -o 
profile.%p ./a.out

I'm getting the following diagnostic output:

[dt03:21732] Sending CUDA IPC REQ (try=1): myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0
[dt03:21731] Sending CUDA IPC REQ (try=1): myrank=0, mydev=0, peerrank=1
[dt03:21731] Not sending CUDA IPC ACK because request already initiated
[dt03:21732] Analyzed CUDA IPC request: myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0, 
peerdev=0 --> ACCESS=1
[dt03:21732] BTL smcuda: rank=1 enabling CUDA IPC to rank=0 on node=dt03
[dt03:21732] Sending CUDA IPC ACK:  myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0, peerdev=0
[dt03:21731] Received CUDA IPC ACK, notifying PML: myrank=0, peerrank=1
[dt03:21731] BTL smcuda: rank=0 enabling CUDA IPC to rank=1 on node=dt03

Here it seems like IPC is correctly being enabled between ranks 0 and 1.

I have tried both very large and very small messages and they all seem to stage 
through the host.

What am I doing wrong?

For reference here is my ompi_info output:

[jluitjens@dt03 repro]$ ompi_info
 Package: Open MPI jluitjens@dt04 Distribution
Open MPI: 1.10.2
  Open MPI repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   Open MPI release date: Jan 21, 2016
Open RTE: 1.10.2
  Open RTE repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   Open RTE release date: Jan 21, 2016
OPAL: 1.10.2
  OPAL repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   OPAL release date: Jan 21, 2016
 MPI API: 3.0.0
Ident string: 1.10.2
Configured architecture: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Configure host: dt04
   Configured by: jluitjens
   Configured on: Tue Feb  9 10:56:22 PST 2016
  Configure host: dt04
Built by: jluitjens
Built on: Tue Feb  9 11:21:51 PST 2016
  Built host: dt04
  C bindings: yes
C++ bindings: yes
 Fort mpif.h: yes (all)
Fort use mpi: yes (limited: overloading)
   Fort use mpi size: deprecated-ompi-info-value
Fort use mpi_f08: no
Fort mpi_f08 compliance: The mpi_f08 module was not built
  Fort mpi_f08 subarrays: no
   Java bindings: no
  Wrapper compiler rpath: runpath
  C compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/gcc
 C compiler absolute:
  C compiler family name: GNU
  C compiler version: 4.7.3
C++ compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/g++
  C++ compiler absolute: none
   Fort compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/gfortran
   Fort compiler abs:
 Fort ignore TKR: no
   Fort 08 assumed shape: no
  Fort optional args: no
  Fort INTERFACE: yes
   Fort STORAGE_SIZE: no
  Fort BIND(C) (all): no
  Fort ISO_C_BINDING: yes
   Fort TYPE,BIND(C): no
Fort T,BIND(C,name="a"): no
Fort PRIVATE: no
  Fort PROTECTED: no
   Fort ABSTRACT: no
  Fort PROCEDURE: no
 Fort USE...ONLY: no
   Fort C_FUNLOC: no
Fort f08 using wrappers: no
 Fort MPI_SIZEOF: no
 C profiling: yes
   C++ profiling: yes
   Fort mpif.h profiling: yes
  Fort use mpi profiling: yes
   Fort use mpi_f08 prof: no
  C++ exceptions: no
  Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: no, OPAL support: yes,
  OMPI progress: no, ORTE progress: yes, Event lib:
   Sparse Groups: no
  Internal debug support: no
  MPI interface warnings: yes
 MPI parameter check: runtime
Memory profiling support: no
Memory debugging support: no

[OMPI users] CUDA IPC/RDMA Not Working

2016-03-30 Thread Justin Luitjens

I have installed OpenMPI 1.10.2 with cuda support:

[jluitjens@dt03 repro]$ ompi_info --parsable --all | grep 

I'm trying to verify that GPU direct is working and that messages aren't 
traversing through the host.  On a K80 GPU I'm starting 2 MPI processes where 
each takes one of the GPUs of the K80.  They then do a send receive of a 
certain size.

In addition,  I'm recording a timeline with nvprof to visualize what is 
happening.  What I'm excepting to happens is there will be one MemCpy D2D on 
each device corresponding to the send and the recive.  However,  What I'm 
seeing is each device  D2H followed by a H2D copy suggesting the data is 
staging through the host.

Here is how I'm currently running the application:

mpirun --mca btl_smcuda_cuda_ipc_verbose 100 --mca btl_smcuda_use_cuda_ipc 1 
--mca btl smcuda,self --mca btl_openib_want_cuda_gdr 1 -np 2 nvprof -o 
profile.%p ./a.out

I'm getting the following diagnostic output:

[dt03:21732] Sending CUDA IPC REQ (try=1): myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0
[dt03:21731] Sending CUDA IPC REQ (try=1): myrank=0, mydev=0, peerrank=1
[dt03:21731] Not sending CUDA IPC ACK because request already initiated
[dt03:21732] Analyzed CUDA IPC request: myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0, 
peerdev=0 --> ACCESS=1
[dt03:21732] BTL smcuda: rank=1 enabling CUDA IPC to rank=0 on node=dt03
[dt03:21732] Sending CUDA IPC ACK:  myrank=1, mydev=1, peerrank=0, peerdev=0
[dt03:21731] Received CUDA IPC ACK, notifying PML: myrank=0, peerrank=1
[dt03:21731] BTL smcuda: rank=0 enabling CUDA IPC to rank=1 on node=dt03

Here it seems like IPC is correctly being enabled between ranks 0 and 1.

I have tried both very large and very small messages and they all seem to stage 
through the host.

What am I doing wrong?

For reference here is my ompi_info output:

[jluitjens@dt03 repro]$ ompi_info
 Package: Open MPI jluitjens@dt04 Distribution
Open MPI: 1.10.2
  Open MPI repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   Open MPI release date: Jan 21, 2016
Open RTE: 1.10.2
  Open RTE repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   Open RTE release date: Jan 21, 2016
OPAL: 1.10.2
  OPAL repo revision: v1.10.1-145-g799148f
   OPAL release date: Jan 21, 2016
 MPI API: 3.0.0
Ident string: 1.10.2
Configured architecture: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Configure host: dt04
   Configured by: jluitjens
   Configured on: Tue Feb  9 10:56:22 PST 2016
  Configure host: dt04
Built by: jluitjens
Built on: Tue Feb  9 11:21:51 PST 2016
  Built host: dt04
  C bindings: yes
C++ bindings: yes
 Fort mpif.h: yes (all)
Fort use mpi: yes (limited: overloading)
   Fort use mpi size: deprecated-ompi-info-value
Fort use mpi_f08: no
Fort mpi_f08 compliance: The mpi_f08 module was not built
  Fort mpi_f08 subarrays: no
   Java bindings: no
  Wrapper compiler rpath: runpath
  C compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/gcc
 C compiler absolute:
  C compiler family name: GNU
  C compiler version: 4.7.3
C++ compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/g++
  C++ compiler absolute: none
   Fort compiler: /shared/apps/rhel-6.2/tools/gcc-4.7.3/bin/gfortran
   Fort compiler abs:
 Fort ignore TKR: no
   Fort 08 assumed shape: no
  Fort optional args: no
  Fort INTERFACE: yes
   Fort STORAGE_SIZE: no
  Fort BIND(C) (all): no
  Fort ISO_C_BINDING: yes
   Fort TYPE,BIND(C): no
Fort T,BIND(C,name="a"): no
Fort PRIVATE: no
  Fort PROTECTED: no
   Fort ABSTRACT: no
  Fort PROCEDURE: no
 Fort USE...ONLY: no
   Fort C_FUNLOC: no
Fort f08 using wrappers: no
 Fort MPI_SIZEOF: no
 C profiling: yes
   C++ profiling: yes
   Fort mpif.h profiling: yes
  Fort use mpi profiling: yes
   Fort use mpi_f08 prof: no
  C++ exceptions: no
  Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: no, OPAL support: yes,
  OMPI progress: no, ORTE progress: yes, Event lib:
   Sparse Groups: no
  Internal debug support: no
  MPI interface warnings: yes
 MPI parameter check: runtime
Memory profiling support: no
Memory debugging support: no
  dl support: yes
   Heterogeneous support: no
mpirun default --prefix: no
 MPI I/O support: yes
   MPI_WTIME support: gettimeofday
 Symbol vis. support: yes
   Host topology support: yes
  MPI extensions:
   FT Checkpoint support: no (checkpoint thread: no)