we observe the following divide-by-zero error:

[linuxscc005:31416] *** Process received signal ***
[linuxscc005:31416] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[linuxscc005:31416] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[linuxscc005:31416] Failing at address: 0x2282db
[linuxscc005:31416] [ 0] [0x3a9410]
[linuxscc005:31416] [ 1] /lib/libgcc_s.so.1(__divdi3+0x8b) [0x2282db]
[linuxscc005:31416] [ 2] /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/intel/lib/lib32/libmpi.so.1(ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStrided+0x1c36) [0x8c8206] [linuxscc005:31416] [ 3] /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/intel/lib/lib32/libmpi.so.1(MPIOI_File_write+0x1f2) [0x8ed752] [linuxscc005:31416] [ 4] /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/intel/lib/lib32/libmpi.so.1(mca_io_romio_dist_MPI_File_write+0x33) [0x8ed553] [linuxscc005:31416] [ 5] /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/intel/lib/lib32/libmpi.so.1(mca_io_romio_file_write+0x2e) [0x8a46fe] [linuxscc005:31416] [ 6] /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/intel/lib/lib32/libmpi.so.1(MPI_File_write+0x45) [0x846c25] [linuxscc005:31416] [ 7] /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/pk224850/SVN/rz_cluster_utils/test_suite/trunk/tests/mpi/mpiIO/mpiIOC32.exe() [0x804a1ac]
[linuxscc005:31416] [ 8] /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe6) [0x6fccce6]
[linuxscc005:31416] [ 9] /rwthfs/rz/cluster/home/pk224850/SVN/rz_cluster_utils/test_suite/trunk/tests/mpi/mpiIO/mpiIOC32.exe() [0x8049d91]
[linuxscc005:31416] *** End of error message ***

... if we're using Open MPI 1.6.4 for compiling a 'C' test program(*) (attached), which perform some MPI I/O on Lustre.

0.) The error only came if the binary is compiled in 32bit
1.) the error did not corellate with a compiler used to build the MPI library (all 4 we have - GCC, Su/Oralce Studio; Intel, PGI - result in the same behaviour) 2.) The error did not came in our version Open MPI / 1.6.1 (however I'm not really sure the configure options used are the same) 3.) The error did only came if the file to be written is located on the Lustre file system (no error on local disc or on NFS share).
4.) The Fortran version (also attached) did not have the issue.
5.) The error only occur when using 2 or more processes

On the basis of the error message I believe the error could be located somewhere indeepth of the OpenMPI/ROMIO implementation... Well, is somebody interested in further investigation of this issue? If yes we can feed you with informations. Otherwise we will ignore it, probably...

Paul Kapinos

(*) we've kinda internal test suite in order to check our MPIs...

P.S. $ mpicc -O0 -m32 -o ./mpiIOC32.exe ctest.c -lm

P.S.2 an example cofnigure line:

./configure --with-openib --with-lsf --with-devel-headers --enable-contrib-no-build=vt --enable-heterogeneous --enable-cxx-exceptions --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default --disable-dlopen --disable-mca-dso --with-io-romio-flags='--with-file-system=testfs+ufs+nfs+lustre' --enable-mpi-ext CFLAGS="$FLAGS_FAST $FLAGS_ARCH32 " CXXFLAGS="$FLAGS_FAST $FLAGS_ARCH32 " FFLAGS="$FLAGS_FAST $FLAGS_ARCH32 " FCFLAGS="$FLAGS_FAST $FLAGS_ARCH32 " LDFLAGS="$FLAGS_FAST $FLAGS_ARCH32 -L/opt/lsf/8.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86/lib" --prefix=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc --mandir=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/man --bindir=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/bin/32 --libdir=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/lib/lib32 --includedir=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/include/32 --datarootdir=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/share/32 2>&1 | tee log_01_conf.txt

I _believe_ the part
is new in our 1.6.4 installation compared with 1.6.1. Could this be the root of evil?

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915
program test
  ! Zum Betrieb wird die f77 Methode benutzt, MPI einzubindetn, Zum Entwickeln 
versuche f90 Methode zu nutzen.
  ! Erhoffe dadurchweniger Fehler; beispileweise die unterschide MPI_INT --> 
MPI_INTEGER können sehr wohl abgefangen werden..
  !include "mpif.h"
  integer :: 
  integer(8), allocatable :: id_list(:), quelle(:)
  character(len=1024) :: filename
  CHARACTER(len=1024) :: pfad

  integer :: anzahl = 12000
  integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset = 0 !5776
  INTEGER(8) :: my_current_offset, my_offset
  INTEGER :: i, laenge, intsize

  call MPI_INIT(ierr)
  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,wsize,ierr)
  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,wrank,ierr)
  call getarg(1, pfad) ! das ist der Pfad+Dateiname
  !filename = TRIM(pfad) // "blupp"

  !Anlegen der Binärdatei (seriell, nur Master)
!  CALL MPI_File_seek(fh, my_offset, MPI_SEEK_SET);
!  CALL MPI_File_get_position(fh, &my_current_offset);

  IF (wrank .EQ. 0) THEN
    my_offset = 0
    DO i=1, anzahl
      quelle(i) = i
    END DO
    laenge = anzahl
    !WRITE (*,*) "laenge", laenge, "quelle:", quelle
    !CALL MPI_File_seek(fh, 0, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr);
    !CALL MPI_File_get_position(fh, my_current_offset, ierr); WRITE (*,*) 
"wrank0", wrank, "my_current_offset", my_current_offset
    !CALL MPI_File_write(fh, quelle, anzahl, MPI_INT, status, ierr);
    my_offset = anzahl
    quelle = 13
    laenge = 1
    !CALL MPI_File_seek(fh, anzahl+wrank, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr);
    !CALL MPI_File_get_position(fh, my_current_offset, ierr); WRITE (*,*) 
"wrank1", wrank, "my_current_offset", my_current_offset
    !CALL MPI_File_write(fh, quelle, 1, MPI_INT, status, ierr);
  call MPI_TYPE_SIZE(MPI_INTEGER8, intsize, ierr)
  !WRITE (*,*) "intsize", intsize, "my_offset * intsize", my_offset * intsize
  CALL MPI_File_set_view(fh, my_offset * intsize, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_INTEGER, 
'native', MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr)
  CALL MPI_File_write(fh, quelle, laenge, MPI_INTEGER8, status, ierr); !MPI_INT
  CALL MPI_File_get_position(fh, my_current_offset, ierr); 
  !WRITE (*,*) "wrank", wrank, "my_offset", my_offset, "laenge", laenge, 
"my_current_offset", my_current_offset
  CALL MPI_File_close(fh, ierr);

  ! Einliesen der einer Binärdatei (parallel)
  call MPI_INFO_CREATE(mpi_info,ierr) 


  my_data_wsize = anzahl/wsize
  my_disp = my_data_wsize*wrank
  !call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(1,my_data_wsize,my_disp,MPI_INTEGER8,i8_type,ierr)
  call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(1,my_data_wsize,my_disp,MPI_INTEGER8,i8_type,ierr)
  call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(i8_type,ierr)
  call MPI_File_set_view(fh,offset,MPI_INTEGER8,i8_type,'native',mpi_info,ierr)
  call MPI_File_read_all(fh,id_list,(anzahl/wsize),MPI_INTEGER8,status,ierr)
  call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(fh,ierr)

  ! Ausschreiben in TXT Dateien (parallel)
  write(filename,fmt='(a,i1)') TRIM(pfad), wrank+1
  write(20,*) id_list

  ! Überprüfen der ausgeschriebenen Dateien.
  call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
end program test
 * Derived testing application, originally written by jens.henrik.goebb...@itv.rwth-aachen.de
 * for testing a bug in openmpi/sunmpi implementations

#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
#define concat(a, b)  a ## b

int main ( int argc, char **argv )
    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

    MPI_File fh_input,fh_output;
    MPI_Datatype i8_type;
    MPI_Status status;
    int rank, teamsize;
    int i;
    int size = 12000;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &teamsize );
    int my_data_size[1] = { size / teamsize };
    int my_disp[1] = { my_data_size[0] * rank };
    int offset = my_data_size[0];
    MPI_Type_indexed( 1, my_data_size, my_disp, MPI_INTEGER8, &i8_type );
    MPI_Type_commit( &i8_type );
    // Writing File
    MPI_File_set_view( fh_input, offset, MPI_INTEGER8, i8_type, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL );
    uint64 *id_liste = malloc( my_data_size[0] * sizeof(uint64) );
    for (i = 0; i < my_data_size[0];i++) {
        id_liste[i] = (uint64)(i + (rank * offset));
    MPI_File_write (fh_input, id_liste, my_data_size[0], MPI_INTEGER8, &status);
    MPI_File_close (&fh_input);

    // Reading File
    MPI_File_open( MPI_COMM_SELF, argv[1], MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &fh_output );
    MPI_File_set_view( fh_output, offset, MPI_INTEGER8, i8_type, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL );
    uint64 *id_list = malloc( my_data_size[0] * sizeof(uint64) );
    for (i=0;i<my_data_size[0];i++)
        id_list[i] = 0;
    MPI_File_read_all( fh_output, id_list, my_data_size[0], MPI_INTEGER8, &status );
    char filename[1024];
    sprintf( filename, "%s%i",argv[1],rank+1 );
    FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
    for( i=0; i < my_data_size[0]; i++ )
        fprintf( fp, "%i\n", (int)id_list[i] );
    MPI_File_close( &fh_output );
    free( id_list );


                 Package: Open MPI pk224...@cluster.rz.rwth-aachen.de 
                Open MPI: 1.6.4
   Open MPI SVN revision: r28081
   Open MPI release date: Feb 19, 2013
                Open RTE: 1.6.4
   Open RTE SVN revision: r28081
   Open RTE release date: Feb 19, 2013
                    OPAL: 1.6.4
       OPAL SVN revision: r28081
       OPAL release date: Feb 19, 2013
                 MPI API: 2.1
            Ident string: 1.6.4
           MCA backtrace: execinfo (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA memory: linux (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
           MCA paffinity: hwloc (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA carto: auto_detect (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA carto: file (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA shmem: mmap (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA shmem: posix (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA shmem: sysv (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
           MCA maffinity: first_use (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
           MCA maffinity: hwloc (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA timer: linux (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
         MCA installdirs: env (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
         MCA installdirs: config (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
             MCA sysinfo: linux (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA hwloc: hwloc132 (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA dpm: orte (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA pubsub: orte (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
           MCA allocator: basic (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
           MCA allocator: bucket (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: basic (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: hierarch (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: inter (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: self (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: sm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: sync (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA coll: tuned (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                  MCA io: romio (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA mpool: fake (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA mpool: rdma (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA mpool: sm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA pml: bfo (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA pml: csum (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA pml: ob1 (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA pml: v (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA bml: r2 (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA rcache: vma (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA btl: self (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA btl: ofud (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA btl: openib (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA btl: sm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA btl: tcp (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA topo: unity (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA osc: pt2pt (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA osc: rdma (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA iof: hnp (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA iof: orted (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA iof: tool (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA oob: tcp (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                MCA odls: default (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ras: cm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ras: loadleveler (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ras: lsf (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ras: slurm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: load_balance (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: rank_file (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: resilient (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: round_robin (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: seq (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA rmaps: topo (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA rml: oob (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: binomial (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: cm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: direct (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: linear (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: radix (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA routed: slave (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA plm: lsf (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA plm: rsh (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA plm: slurm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
               MCA filem: rsh (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
              MCA errmgr: default (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: env (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: hnp (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: lsf (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: singleton (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: slave (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: slurm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: slurmd (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
                 MCA ess: tool (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
             MCA grpcomm: bad (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
             MCA grpcomm: basic (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
             MCA grpcomm: hier (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.4)
            MCA notifier: command (MCA v2.0, API v1.0, Component v1.6.4)
            MCA notifier: syslog (MCA v2.0, API v1.0, Component v1.6.4)
                  Prefix: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc
             Exec_prefix: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc
                  Bindir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/bin
                 Sbindir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/sbin
                  Libdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/lib
                  Incdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/include
                  Mandir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/man
               Pkglibdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/lib/openmpi
              Libexecdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/libexec
             Datarootdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/share
                 Datadir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/share
              Sysconfdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/etc
          Sharedstatedir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/com
           Localstatedir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/var
                 Infodir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/share/info
              Pkgdatadir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/share/openmpi
               Pkglibdir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/lib/openmpi
           Pkgincludedir: /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/include/openmpi
 Configured architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
          Configure host: cluster.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE
           Configured by: pk224850
           Configured on: Fri Feb 22 14:53:07 CET 2013
          Configure host: cluster.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE
                Built by: pk224850
                Built on: Fri Feb 22 15:45:01 CET 2013
              Built host: cluster.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE
              C bindings: yes
            C++ bindings: yes
      Fortran77 bindings: yes (all)
      Fortran90 bindings: yes
 Fortran90 bindings size: small
              C compiler: gcc
     C compiler absolute: /usr/bin/gcc
  C compiler family name: GNU
      C compiler version: 4.4.6
             C char size: 1
             C bool size: 1
            C short size: 2
              C int size: 4
             C long size: 8
            C float size: 4
           C double size: 8
          C pointer size: 8
            C char align: 1
            C bool align: 1
             C int align: 4
           C float align: 4
          C double align: 8
            C++ compiler: g++
   C++ compiler absolute: /usr/bin/g++
      Fortran77 compiler: gfortran
  Fortran77 compiler abs: /usr/bin/gfortran
      Fortran90 compiler: gfortran
  Fortran90 compiler abs: /usr/bin/gfortran
       Fort integer size: 4
       Fort logical size: 4
 Fort logical value true: 1
      Fort have integer1: yes
      Fort have integer2: yes
      Fort have integer4: yes
      Fort have integer8: yes
     Fort have integer16: no
         Fort have real4: yes
         Fort have real8: yes
        Fort have real16: no
      Fort have complex8: yes
     Fort have complex16: yes
     Fort have complex32: no
      Fort integer1 size: 1
      Fort integer2 size: 2
      Fort integer4 size: 4
      Fort integer8 size: 8
     Fort integer16 size: -1
          Fort real size: 4
         Fort real4 size: 4
         Fort real8 size: 8
        Fort real16 size: -1
      Fort dbl prec size: 8
          Fort cplx size: 8
      Fort dbl cplx size: 16
         Fort cplx8 size: 8
        Fort cplx16 size: 16
        Fort cplx32 size: -1
      Fort integer align: 4
     Fort integer1 align: 1
     Fort integer2 align: 2
     Fort integer4 align: 4
     Fort integer8 align: 8
    Fort integer16 align: -1
         Fort real align: 4
        Fort real4 align: 4
        Fort real8 align: 8
       Fort real16 align: -1
     Fort dbl prec align: 8
         Fort cplx align: 4
     Fort dbl cplx align: 8
        Fort cplx8 align: 4
       Fort cplx16 align: 8
       Fort cplx32 align: -1
             C profiling: yes
           C++ profiling: yes
     Fortran77 profiling: yes
     Fortran90 profiling: yes
          C++ exceptions: yes
          Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: no, progress: no)
           Sparse Groups: no
            Build CFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64 
-finline-functions -fno-strict-aliasing -fexceptions -pthread
          Build CXXFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64 
-finline-functions -fexceptions -pthread
            Build FFLAGS: -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64  -fexceptions
           Build FCFLAGS: -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64  -fexceptions 
           Build LDFLAGS: -O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64 
-L/opt/lsf/8.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86/lib -fexceptions
              Build LIBS: -lrt -lnsl  -lutil -lm
    Wrapper extra CFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
  Wrapper extra CXXFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
    Wrapper extra FFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
   Wrapper extra FCFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
   Wrapper extra LDFLAGS: 
      Wrapper extra LIBS: -ldl  -lm -lnuma -lrt -lnsl  -lutil -lm
  Internal debug support: no
  MPI interface warnings: no
     MPI parameter check: runtime
Memory profiling support: no
Memory debugging support: no
         libltdl support: no
   Heterogeneous support: yes
 mpirun default --prefix: yes
         MPI I/O support: yes
       MPI_WTIME support: gettimeofday
     Symbol vis. support: yes
   Host topology support: yes
          MPI extensions: affinity example
   FT Checkpoint support: no (checkpoint thread: no)
     VampirTrace support: no
        MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY: 36
        MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL: 256
       MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME: 1024
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_param_files" (current value: 
 data source: default value)
                          Path for MCA configuration files containing default 
parameter values
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_base_param_file_prefix" (current 
value: <none>, data source: default value)
                          Aggregate MCA parameter file sets
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_base_param_file_path" (current value: 
 data source: default value)
                          Aggregate MCA parameter Search path
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_base_param_file_path_force" (current 
value: <none>, data source: default value)
                          Forced Aggregate MCA parameter Search path
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_path" (current value: 
 data source: default value)
                          Path where to look for Open MPI and ORTE components
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_show_load_errors" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to show errors for components that failed to 
load or not
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_component_disable_dlopen" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to attempt to disable opening dynamic 
components or not
                 MCA mca: parameter "mca_verbose" (current value: <stderr>, 
data source: default value)
                          Specifies where the default error output stream goes 
(this is separate from distinct help messages).  Accepts a comma-delimited list 
of: stderr, stdout, syslog, syslogpri:<notice|info|debug>, syslogid:<str> 
(where str is the prefix string for all syslog notices), file[:filename] (if 
filename is not specified, a default filename is used), fileappend (if not 
specified, the file is opened for truncation), level[:N] (if specified, integer 
verbose level; otherwise, 0 is implied)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_paffinity_alone" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value, synonym of: opal_paffinity_alone)
                          If nonzero, assume that this job is the only (set of) 
process(es) running on each node and bind processes to processors, starting 
with processor ID 0
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_param_check" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          Whether you want MPI API parameters checked at 
run-time or not.  Possible values are 0 (no checking) and 1 (perform checking 
at run-time)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_yield_when_idle" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Yield the processor when waiting for MPI 
communication (for MPI processes, will default to 1 when oversubscribing nodes)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_event_tick_rate" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          How often to progress TCP communications (0 = never, 
otherwise specified in microseconds)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_handle_leaks" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether MPI_FINALIZE shows all MPI handles that were 
not freed or not
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_no_free_handles" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Whether to actually free MPI objects when their 
handles are freed
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_mpi_alloc_mem_leaks" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          If >0, MPI_FINALIZE will show up to this many 
instances of memory allocated by MPI_ALLOC_MEM that was not freed by 
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_mca_params" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to show all MCA parameter values during 
MPI_INIT or not (good for reproducability of MPI jobs for debug purposes). 
Accepted values are all, default, file, api, and enviro - or a comma delimited 
combination of them
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_show_mca_params_file" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          If mpi_show_mca_params is true, setting this string 
to a valid filename tells Open MPI to dump all the MCA parameter values into a 
file suitable for reading via the mca_param_files parameter (good for 
reproducability of MPI jobs)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_keep_peer_hostnames" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, save the string hostnames of all MPI peer 
processes (mostly for error / debugging output messages).  This can add quite a 
bit of memory usage to each MPI process.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_abort_delay" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          If nonzero, print out an identifying message when 
MPI_ABORT is invoked (hostname, PID of the process that called MPI_ABORT) and 
delay for that many seconds before exiting (a negative delay value means to 
never abort).  This allows attaching of a debugger before quitting the job.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_abort_print_stack" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, print out a stack trace when MPI_ABORT is 
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_preconnect_mpi" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value, synonyms: mpi_preconnect_all)
                          Whether to force MPI processes to fully wire-up the 
MPI connections between MPI processes during MPI_INIT (vs. making connections 
lazily -- upon the first MPI traffic between each process peer pair)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_preconnect_all" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: mpi_preconnect_mpi)
                          Whether to force MPI processes to fully wire-up the 
MPI connections between MPI processes during MPI_INIT (vs. making connections 
lazily -- upon the first MPI traffic between each process peer pair)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_leave_pinned" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Whether to use the "leave pinned" protocol or not.  
Enabling this setting can help bandwidth performance when repeatedly sending 
and receiving large messages with the same buffers over RDMA-based networks (0 
= do not use "leave pinned" protocol, 1 = use "leave pinned" protocol, -1 = 
allow network to choose at runtime).
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_leave_pinned_pipeline" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to use the "leave pinned pipeline" protocol 
or not.
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_warn_on_fork" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, issue a warning if program forks under 
conditions that could cause system errors
                 MCA mpi: information "mpi_have_sparse_group_storage" (value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether this Open MPI installation supports storing 
of data in MPI groups in "sparse" formats (good for extremely large process 
count MPI jobs that create many communicators/groups)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_use_sparse_group_storage" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to use "sparse" storage formats for MPI 
groups (only relevant if mpi_have_sparse_group_storage is 1)
                 MCA mpi: parameter "mpi_notify_init_finalize" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, send two notifications during MPI_INIT: 
one near when MPI_INIT starts, and another right before MPI_INIT finishes, and 
send 2 notifications during MPI_FINALIZE: one right when MPI_FINALIZE starts, 
and another near when MPI_FINALIZE finishes.
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          If orte_base_help_aggregate is true, duplicate help 
messages will be aggregated rather than displayed individually.  This can be 
helpful for parallel jobs that experience multiple identical failures; rather 
than print out the same help/failure message N times, display it once with a 
count of how many processes sent the same message.
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_tmpdir_base" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          Base of the session directory tree
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_no_session_dirs" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Prohibited locations for session directories 
(multiple locations separated by ',', default=NULL)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_send_profile" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Send profile info in launch message
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debug" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Top-level ORTE debug switch (default verbosity: 1)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debug_verbose" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for ORTE debug messages (default: 1)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debug_daemons" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Whether to debug the ORTE daemons or not
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debug_daemons_file" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether want stdout/stderr of daemons to go to a file 
or not
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_daemon_bootstrap" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Bootstrap the connection to the HNP
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_leave_session_attached" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether applications and/or daemons should leave 
their sessions attached so that any output can be received - this allows X 
forwarding without all the attendant debugging output
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_output_debugger_proctable" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether or not to output the debugger proctable after 
launch (default: false)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debugger_test_daemon" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Name of the executable to be used to simulate a 
debugger colaunch (relative or absolute path)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debugger_test_attach" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Test debugger colaunch after debugger attachment
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_debugger_check_rate" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Set rate (in secs) for auto-detect of debugger 
attachment (0 => do not check)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_do_not_launch" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Perform all necessary operations to prepare to launch 
the application, but do not actually launch it
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_daemon_spin" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Have any orteds spin until we can connect a debugger 
to them
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_daemon_fail" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Have the specified orted fail after init for 
debugging purposes
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_daemon_fail_delay" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Have the specified orted fail after specified number 
of seconds (default: 0 => no delay)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_heartbeat_rate" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Seconds between checks for daemon state-of-health 
(default: 0 => do not check)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_startup_timeout" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Milliseconds/daemon to wait for startup before 
declaring failed_to_start (default: 0 => do not check)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_timing" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Request that critical timing loops be measured
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_timing_details" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Request that detailed timing data by reported
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_base_user_debugger" (current value: 
<totalview @mpirun@ -a @mpirun_args@ : ddt -n @np@ -start @executable@ 
@executable_argv@ @single_app@ : fxp @mpirun@ -a @mpirun_args@>, data source: 
default value)
                          Sequence of user-level debuggers to search for in 
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_abort_timeout" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Max time to wait [in secs] before aborting an ORTE 
operation (default: 1sec)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_timeout_step" (current value: <1000>, 
data source: default value)
                          Time to wait [in usecs/proc] before aborting an ORTE 
operation (default: 1000 usec/proc)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_default_hostfile" (current value: 
</opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc/etc/openmpi-default-hostfile>, data source: 
default value)
                          Name of the default hostfile (relative or absolute 
path, "none" to ignore environmental or default MCA param setting)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_rankfile" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value, synonyms: rmaps_rank_file_path)
                          Name of the rankfile to be used for mapping processes 
(relative or absolute path)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_keep_fqdn_hostnames" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether or not to keep FQDN hostnames [default: no]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_use_regexp" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Whether or not to use regular expressions for launch 
[default: no]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_tag_output" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Tag all output with [job,rank] (default: false)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_xml_output" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Display all output in XML format (default: false)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_xml_file" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          Provide all output in XML format to the specified file
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_timestamp_output" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Timestamp all application process output (default: 
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_output_filename" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Redirect output from application processes into 
filename.rank [default: NULL]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_show_resolved_nodenames" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Display any node names that are resolved to a 
different name (default: false)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_hetero_apps" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Indicates that multiple app_contexts are being 
provided that are a mix of 32/64 bit binaries (default: false)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_launch_agent" (current value: 
<orted>, data source: default value)
                          Command used to start processes on remote nodes 
(default: orted)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_allocation_required" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether or not an allocation by a resource manager is 
required [default: no]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_xterm" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Create a new xterm window and display output from the 
specified ranks there [default: none]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_forward_job_control" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Forward SIGTSTP (after converting to SIGSTOP) and 
SIGCONT signals to the application procs [default: no]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_rsh_agent" (current value: <ssh : 
rsh>, data source: default value, synonyms: pls_rsh_agent, plm_rsh_agent)
                          The command used to launch executables on remote 
nodes (typically either "ssh" or "rsh")
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_assume_same_shell" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value, synonyms: plm_rsh_assume_same_shell)
                          If set to 1, assume that the shell on the remote node 
is the same as the shell on the local node.  Otherwise, probe for what the 
remote shell [default: 1]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_report_launch_progress" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Output a brief periodic report on launch progress 
[default: no]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_num_boards" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          Number of processor boards/node (1-256) [default: 1]
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_num_sockets" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Number of sockets/board (1-256)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_num_cores" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Number of cores/socket (1-256)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_process_binding" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Policy for binding processes [none | core | socket | 
board] (supported qualifier: if-avail)
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_report_bindings" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Report bindings
                MCA orte: parameter "orte_report_events" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          URI to which events are to be reported (default: 
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_net_private_ipv4" (current value: 
<;;;>, data source: default 
                          Semicolon-delimited list of CIDR notation entries 
specifying what networks are considered "private" (default value based on 
RFC1918 and RFC3330)
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_signal" (current value: <6,7,8,11>, 
data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of integer signal numbers to 
Open MPI to attempt to intercept.  Upon receipt of the intercepted signal, Open 
MPI will display a stack trace and abort.  Open MPI will *not* replace signals 
if handlers are already installed by the time MPI_INIT is invoked.  Optionally 
append ":complain" to any signal number in the comma-delimited list to make 
Open MPI complain if it detects another signal handler (and therefore does not 
insert its own).
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_profile" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Set to non-zero to profile component selections
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_profile_file" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          Name of the file containing the cluster configuration 
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_paffinity_alone" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value, synonyms: mpi_paffinity_alone)
                          If nonzero, assume that this job is the only (set of) 
process(es) running on each node and bind processes to processors, starting 
with processor ID 0
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_set_max_sys_limits" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Set to non-zero to automatically set any 
system-imposed limits to the maximum allowed
                MCA opal: parameter "opal_event_include" (current value: 
<poll>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of libevent subsystems to use 
(epoll, poll, select -- available on your platform)
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the backtrace 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace_base_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the backtrace framework (0 = no 
           MCA backtrace: parameter "backtrace_execinfo_priority" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
          MCA memchecker: parameter "memchecker" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the 
memchecker framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the memory 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the memory framework (0 = no 
              MCA memory: information "memory_linux_ptmalloc2_available" 
(value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether ptmalloc2 support is included in Open MPI or 
not (1 = yes, 0 = no)
              MCA memory: information "memory_linux_ummunotify_available" 
(value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether ummunotify support is included in Open MPI or 
not (1 = yes, 0 = no)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_linux_ptmalloc2_enable" (current 
value: <-1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to enable ptmalloc2 support or not (negative 
= try to enable, but continue even if support is not available, 0 = do not 
enable support, positive = try to enable and fail if support is not available)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_linux_ummunotify_enable" (current 
value: <-1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to enable ummunotify support or not (negative 
= try to enable, but continue even if support is not available, 0 = do not 
enable support, positive = try to enable and fail if support is not available)
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_linux_disable" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          If this MCA parameter is set to 1 **VIA ENVIRONMENT 
VARIABLE ONLY*** (this MCA parameter *CANNOT* be set in a file or on the mpirun 
command line!), this component will be disabled and will not attempt to use 
either ummunotify or memory hook support
              MCA memory: parameter "memory_linux_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity_base_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the paffinity framework
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the paffinity 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
           MCA paffinity: parameter "paffinity_hwloc_priority" (current value: 
<40>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the hwloc paffinity component
               MCA carto: parameter "carto_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the carto framework
               MCA carto: parameter "carto" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the carto 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA carto: parameter "carto_auto_detect_priority" (current 
value: <11>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the auto_detect carto component
               MCA carto: parameter "carto_file_path" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          The path to the cartography file
               MCA carto: parameter "carto_file_priority" (current value: <10>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the file carto component
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the shmem framework
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the shmem 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_mmap_enable_nfs_warning" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Enable the warning emitted when Open MPI detects that 
its shared memory backing file is located on a network filesystem (1 = enabled, 
0 = disabled).
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_mmap_priority" (current value: <50>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the mmap shmem component
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_mmap_relocate_backing_file" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to change the default placement of backing 
files or not (Negative = try to relocate backing files to an area rooted at the 
path specified by shmem_mmap_opal_shmem_mmap_backing_file_base_dir, but 
continue with the default path if the relocation fails, 0 = do not relocate, 
Positive = same as the negative option, but will fail if the relocation fails.
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_mmap_backing_file_base_dir" (current 
value: </dev/shm>, data source: default value)
                          Specifies where backing files will be created when 
shmem_mmap_relocate_backing_file is in use.
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_posix_priority" (current value: 
<40>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the posix shmem component
               MCA shmem: parameter "shmem_sysv_priority" (current value: <30>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the sysv shmem component
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity_base_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the maffinity framework
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the maffinity 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity_first_use_priority" (current 
value: <10>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the first_use maffinity component
           MCA maffinity: parameter "maffinity_hwloc_priority" (current value: 
<40>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the hwloc maffinity component
               MCA timer: parameter "timer" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the timer 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA timer: parameter "timer_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the timer framework (0 = no 
               MCA timer: parameter "timer_linux_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
             MCA sysinfo: parameter "sysinfo" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the sysinfo 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
             MCA sysinfo: parameter "sysinfo_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the sysinfo framework (0 = no 
             MCA sysinfo: parameter "sysinfo_linux_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the hwloc framework
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_mem_alloc_policy" (current 
value: <none>, data source: default value)
                          General memory allocations placement policy (this is 
not memory binding). "none" means that no memory policy is applied. 
"local_only" means that a process' memory allocations will be restricted to its 
local NUMA node. If using direct launch, this policy will not be in effect 
until after MPI_INIT. Note that operating system paging policies are unaffected 
by this setting. For example, if "local_only" is used and local NUMA node 
memory is exhausted, a new memory allocation may cause paging.
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_base_mem_bind_failure_action" 
(current value: <error>, data source: default value)
                          What Open MPI will do if it explicitly tries to bind 
memory to a specific NUMA location, and fails.  Note that this is a different 
case than the general allocation policy described by hwloc_base_alloc_policy.  
A value of "warn" means that Open MPI will warn the first time this happens, 
but allow the job to continue (possibly with degraded performance).  A value of 
"error" means that Open MPI will abort the job if this happens.
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the hwloc 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA hwloc: parameter "hwloc_hwloc132_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA dpm: parameter "dpm" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the dpm 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA dpm: parameter "dpm_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the dpm framework (0 = no 
                 MCA dpm: parameter "dpm_orte_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
              MCA pubsub: parameter "pubsub" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the pubsub 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA pubsub: parameter "pubsub_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the pubsub framework (0 = no 
              MCA pubsub: parameter "pubsub_orte_priority" (current value: 
<50>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the pubsub pmi component
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the allocator 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_base_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the allocator framework (0 = no 
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_basic_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_bucket_num_buckets" (current 
value: <30>, data source: default value)
           MCA allocator: parameter "allocator_bucket_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the coll 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the coll framework (0 = no 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_basic_priority" (current value: <10>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the basic coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_basic_crossover" (current value: <4>, 
data source: default value)
                          Minimum number of processes in a communicator before 
using the logarithmic algorithms
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the hierarchical coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Turn verbose message of the hierarchical coll 
component on/off
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_use_rdma" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Switch from the send btl list used to detect 
hierarchies to the rdma btl list
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_ignore_sm" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Ignore sm protocol when detecting hierarchies. 
Required to enable the usage of protocol specific collective operations
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_detection_alg" (current 
value: <2>, data source: default value)
                          Used to specify the algorithm for detecting 
Hierarchy.Choose between all or two levels of hierarchy
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_bcast_alg" (current value: 
<4>, data source: default value)
                          Used to specify the algorithm used for bcast 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_hierarch_segment_size" (current 
value: <32768>, data source: default value)
                          Used to specify the segment size for segmented 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_inter_priority" (current value: <40>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the inter coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_inter_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Turn verbose message of the inter coll component 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_self_priority" (current value: <75>, 
data source: default value)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the sm coll component
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_control_size" (current value: 
<4096>, data source: default value)
                          Length of the control data -- should usually be 
either the length of a cache line on most SMPs, or the size of a page on 
machines that support direct memory affinity page placement (in bytes)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_fragment_size" (current value: 
<8192>, data source: default value)
                          Fragment size (in bytes) used for passing data 
through shared memory (will be rounded up to the nearest control_size size)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_comm_in_use_flags" (current value: 
<2>, data source: default value)
                          Number of "in use" flags, used to mark a message 
passing area segment as currently being used or not (must be >= 2 and <= 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_comm_num_segments" (current value: 
<8>, data source: default value)
                          Number of segments in each communicator's shared 
memory message passing area (must be >= 2, and must be a multiple of 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_tree_degree" (current value: <4>, 
data source: default value)
                          Degree of the tree for tree-based operations (must be 
=> 1 and <= min(control_size, 255))
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sm_info_num_procs" (current value: 
<4>, data source: default value)
                          Number of processes to use for the calculation of the 
shared_mem_size MCA information parameter (must be => 2)
                MCA coll: information "coll_sm_shared_mem_used_data" (value: 
<548864>, data source: default value)
                          Amount of shared memory used, per communicator, in 
the shared memory data area for info_num_procs processes (in bytes)
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_priority" (current value: <50>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the sync coll component; only relevant if 
barrier_before or barrier_after is > 0
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_barrier_before" (current value: 
<1000>, data source: default value)
                          Do a synchronization before each Nth collective
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_barrier_after" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Do a synchronization after each Nth collective
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_priority" (current value: <30>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the tuned coll component
                MCA coll: parameter 
"coll_tuned_pre_allocate_memory_comm_size_limit" (current value: <32768>, data 
source: default value)
                          Size of communicator were we stop pre-allocating 
memory for the fixed internal buffer used for message requests etc that is hung 
off the communicator data segment. I.e. if you have a 100'000 nodes you might 
not want to pre-allocate 200'000 request handle slots per communicator instance!
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_init_tree_fanout" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                          Inital fanout used in the tree topologies for each 
communicator. This is only an initial guess, if a tuned collective needs a 
different fanout for an operation, it build it dynamically. This parameter is 
only for the first guess and might save a little time
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_init_chain_fanout" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                          Inital fanout used in the chain (fanout followed by 
pipeline) topologies for each communicator. This is only an initial guess, if a 
tuned collective needs a different fanout for an operation, it build it 
dynamically. This parameter is only for the first guess and might save a little 
                MCA coll: parameter "coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Switch used to decide if we use static (compiled/if 
statements) or dynamic (built at runtime) decision function rules
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_initial_size" (current 
value: <16>, data source: default value)
                          Initial MPI-2 IO request freelist size
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_max_size" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                          Max size of the MPI-2 IO request freelist
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_freelist_increment" (current 
value: <16>, data source: default value)
                          Increment size of the MPI-2 IO request freelist
                  MCA io: parameter "io" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the io 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                  MCA io: parameter "io_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the io framework (0 = no 
                  MCA io: parameter "io_romio_priority" (current value: <10>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the io romio component
                  MCA io: parameter "io_romio_delete_priority" (current value: 
<10>, data source: default value)
                          Delete priority of the io romio component
                  MCA io: information "io_romio_version" (value: <from MPICH2 
v1.3.1 with an additional patch from romio-ma...@mcs.anl.gov about an attribute 
issue>, data source: default value)
                          Version of ROMIO
                  MCA io: information "io_romio_user_configure_params" (value: 
<--with-file-system=testfs+ufs+nfs+lustre>, data source: default value)
                          User-specified command line parameters passed to 
ROMIO's configure script
                  MCA io: information "io_romio_complete_configure_params" 
(value: <--with-file-system=testfs+ufs+nfs+lustre  CFLAGS='-DNDEBUG -O3 
-ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64 -finline-functions -fno-strict-aliasing 
-fexceptions -pthread' CPPFLAGS='  
   -I/usr/include/infiniband -I/usr/include/infiniband' FFLAGS='-O3 -ffast-math 
-mtune=opteron -m64  -fexceptions' LDFLAGS='-O3 -ffast-math -mtune=opteron -m64 
-L/opt/lsf/8.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86/lib -fexceptions ' --enable-shared 
--disable-static --with-file-system=testfs+ufs+nfs+lustre  
--prefix=/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.6.4/linux/gcc --with-mpi=open_mpi --disable-aio>, 
data source: default value)
                          Complete set of command line parameters passed to 
ROMIO's configure script
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the mpool 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the mpool framework (0 = no 
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_fake_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_rcache_name" (current value: 
<vma>, data source: default value)
                          The name of the registration cache the mpool should 
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_rcache_size_limit" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          the maximum size of registration cache in bytes. 0 is 
unlimited (default 0)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_print_stats" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          print pool usage statistics at the end of the run
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_rdma_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_allocator" (current value: 
<bucket>, data source: default value)
                          Name of allocator component to use with sm mpool
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_min_size" (current value: 
<67108864>, data source: default value)
                          Minimum size of the sm mpool shared memory file
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Enable verbose output for mpool sm component
               MCA mpool: parameter "mpool_sm_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the PML framework
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the pml 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_verbose" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_free_list_num" (current value: 
<4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_priority" (current value: <5>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_send_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <3>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_recv_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_rdma_put_retries_limit" (current 
value: <5>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_max_rdma_per_request" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_max_send_per_range" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_unexpected_limit" (current value: 
<128>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_bfo_allocator" (current value: 
<bucket>, data source: default value)
                          Name of allocator component for unexpected messages
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_num" (current value: <4>, 
data source: default value)
                          Initial size of request free lists
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size of request free lists
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                          Number of elements to add when growing request free 
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_cm_priority" (current value: <10>, 
data source: default value)
                          CM PML selection priority
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_free_list_num" (current value: 
<4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_send_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <3>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_recv_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_max_rdma_per_request" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_max_send_per_range" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_unexpected_limit" (current value: 
<128>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_allocator" (current value: 
<bucket>, data source: default value)
                          Name of allocator component for unexpected messages
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_csum_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_num" (current value: 
<4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_priority" (current value: <20>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_send_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <3>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_recv_pipeline_depth" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_max_rdma_per_request" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_max_send_per_range" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_unexpected_limit" (current value: 
<128>, data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_ob1_allocator" (current value: 
<bucket>, data source: default value)
                          Name of allocator component for unexpected messages
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_v_priority" (current value: <-1>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_v_output" (current value: <stderr>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA pml: parameter "pml_v_verbose" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the bml 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the bml framework (0 = no 
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_r2_show_unreach_errors" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Show error message when procs are unreachable
                 MCA bml: parameter "bml_r2_priority" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the rcache 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the rcache framework (0 = no 
              MCA rcache: parameter "rcache_vma_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the BTL framework
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the btl 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_num" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Number of fragments by default
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of fragments
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<32>, data source: default value)
                          Increment by this number of fragments
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_exclusivity" (current value: 
<65536>, data source: default value)
                          BTL exclusivity (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_flags" (current value: <10>, data 
source: default value)
                          BTL bit flags (general flags: SEND=1, PUT=2, GET=4, 
SEND_INPLACE=8, RDMA_MATCHED=64, HETEROGENEOUS_RDMA=256; flags only used by the 
"dr" PML (ignored by others): ACK=16, CHECKSUM=32, RDMA_COMPLETION=128; flags 
only used by the "bfo" PML (ignored by others): FAILOVER_SUPPORT=512)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_rndv_eager_limit" (current value: 
<131072>, data source: default value)
                          Size (in bytes) of "phase 1" fragment sent for all 
large messages (must be >= 0 and <= eager_limit)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_eager_limit" (current value: 
<131072>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of "short" messages (must be 
>= 1).
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_max_send_size" (current value: 
<262144>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 2" 
fragment of a long message when using the pipeline protocol (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_rdma_pipeline_send_length" 
(current value: <2147483647>, data source: default value)
                          Length of the "phase 2" portion of a large message 
(in bytes) when using the pipeline protocol.  This part of the message will be 
split into fragments of size max_send_size and sent using send/receive 
semantics (must be >= 0; only relevant when the PUT flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_rdma_pipeline_frag_size" (current 
value: <2147483647>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 3" 
fragment from a long message when using the pipeline protocol.  These fragments 
will be sent using RDMA semantics (must be >= 1; only relevant when the PUT 
flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_min_rdma_pipeline_size" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Messages smaller than this size (in bytes) will not 
use the RDMA pipeline protocol.  Instead, they will be split into fragments of 
max_send_size and sent using send/receive semantics (must be >=0, and is 
automatically adjusted up to at least 
(eager_limit+btl_rdma_pipeline_send_length); only relevant when the PUT flag is 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_bandwidth" (current value: <100>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate maximum bandwidth of interconnect(0 = 
auto-detect value at run-time [not supported in all BTL modules], >= 1 = 
bandwidth in Mbps)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_latency" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate latency of interconnect (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_self_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_max_btls" (current value: <4>, 
data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of HCAs/ports to use
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_if_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of HCAs/ports to be used; empty 
value means to use all HCAs/ports found
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_if_exclude" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of HCAs/ports to be excluded; 
empty value means to use all HCAs/ports found
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_mpool" (current value: <rdma>, 
data source: default value)
                          Name of the memory pool to be used
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_ib_pkey_index" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          IB pkey index
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_ib_qkey" (current value: 
<20119859>, data source: default value)
                          IB qkey
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_ib_service_level" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          IB service level
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_ib_src_path_bits" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          IB source path bits
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_sd_num" (current value: <128>, 
data source: default value)
                          maximum send descriptors to post
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_rd_num" (current value: <6000>, 
data source: default value)
                          number of receive buffers
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_min_send_size" (current value: 
<2048>, data source: default value)
                          minimum send size
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_max_send_size" (current value: 
<2048>, data source: default value)
                          maximum send size
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_exclusivity" (current value: 
<1024>, data source: default value)
                          BTL exclusivity
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_bandwidth" (current value: <800>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate maximum bandwidth of interconnect
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_ofud_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Output some verbose OpenIB BTL information (0 = no 
output, nonzero = output)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_warn_no_device_params_found" 
(current value: <1>, data source: default value, synonyms: 
                          Warn when no device-specific parameters are found in 
the INI file specified by the btl_openib_device_param_files MCA parameter (0 = 
do not warn; any other value = warn)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_warn_no_hca_params_found" 
(current value: <1>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: 
                          Warn when no device-specific parameters are found in 
the INI file specified by the btl_openib_device_param_files MCA parameter (0 = 
do not warn; any other value = warn)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_warn_default_gid_prefix" 
(current value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Warn when there is more than one active ports and at 
least one of them connected to the network with only default GID prefix 
configured (0 = do not warn; any other value = warn)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_warn_nonexistent_if" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Warn if non-existent devices and/or ports are 
specified in the btl_openib_if_[in|ex]clude MCA parameters (0 = do not warn; 
any other value = warn)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_abort_not_enough_reg_mem" 
(current value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          If there is not enough registered memory available on 
the system for Open MPI to function properly, Open MPI will issue a warning.  
If this MCA parameter is set to true, then Open MPI will also abort all MPI 
jobs (0 = warn, but do not abort; any other value = warn and abort)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_poll_cq_batch" (current value: 
<256>, data source: default value)
                          Retrieve up to poll_cq_batch completions from CQ
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_want_fork_support" (current 
value: <-1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether fork support is desired or not (negative = 
try to enable fork support, but continue even if it is not available, 0 = do 
not enable fork support, positive = try to enable fork support and fail if it 
is not available)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_device_param_files" (current 
 data source: default value, synonyms: btl_openib_hca_param_files)
                          Colon-delimited list of INI-style files that contain 
device vendor/part-specific parameters
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_hca_param_files" (current 
 data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: 
                          Colon-delimited list of INI-style files that contain 
device vendor/part-specific parameters
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_device_type" (current value: 
<all>, data source: default value)
                          Specify to only use IB or iWARP network adapters 
(infiniband = only use InfiniBand HCAs; iwarp = only use iWARP NICs; all = use 
any available adapters)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_max_btls" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of device ports to use (-1 = use all 
available, otherwise must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_free_list_num" (current value: 
<8>, data source: default value)
                          Initial size of free lists (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size of free lists (-1 = infinite, otherwise 
must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<32>, data source: default value)
                          Increment size of free lists (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_mpool" (current value: <rdma>, 
data source: default value)
                          Name of the memory pool to be used (it is unlikely 
that you will ever want to change this)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_reg_mru_len" (current value: 
<16>, data source: default value)
                          Length of the registration cache most recently used 
list (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_cq_size" (current value: 
<8192>, data source: default value, synonyms: btl_openib_ib_cq_size)
                          Minimum size of the OpenFabrics completion queue (CQs 
are automatically sized based on the number of peer MPI processes; this value 
determines the *minimum* size of all CQs)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_cq_size" (current value: 
<8192>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: btl_openib_cq_size)
                          Minimum size of the OpenFabrics completion queue (CQs 
are automatically sized based on the number of peer MPI processes; this value 
determines the *minimum* size of all CQs)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_max_inline_data" (current 
value: <-1>, data source: default value, synonyms: 
                          Maximum size of inline data segment (-1 = run-time 
probe to discover max value, otherwise must be >= 0). If not explicitly set, 
use max_inline_data from the INI file containing device-specific parameters
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_max_inline_data" (current 
value: <-1>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: 
                          Maximum size of inline data segment (-1 = run-time 
probe to discover max value, otherwise must be >= 0). If not explicitly set, 
use max_inline_data from the INI file containing device-specific parameters
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_pkey" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value, synonyms: btl_openib_ib_pkey_val)
                          OpenFabrics partition key (pkey) value. Unsigned 
integer decimal or hex values are allowed (e.g., "3" or "0x3f") and will be 
masked against the maximum allowable IB partition key value (0x7fff)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_pkey_val" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: btl_openib_pkey)
                          OpenFabrics partition key (pkey) value. Unsigned 
integer decimal or hex values are allowed (e.g., "3" or "0x3f") and will be 
masked against the maximum allowable IB partition key value (0x7fff)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_psn" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value, synonyms: btl_openib_ib_psn)
                          OpenFabrics packet sequence starting number (must be 
>= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_psn" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: btl_openib_psn)
                          OpenFabrics packet sequence starting number (must be 
>= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_qp_ous_rd_atom" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand outstanding atomic reads (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_mtu" (current value: <3>, data 
source: default value, synonyms: btl_openib_ib_mtu)
                          OpenFabrics MTU, in bytes (if not specified in INI 
files).  Valid values are: 1=256 bytes, 2=512 bytes, 3=1024 bytes, 4=2048 
bytes, 5=4096 bytes
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_mtu" (current value: <3>, 
data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: btl_openib_mtu)
                          OpenFabrics MTU, in bytes (if not specified in INI 
files).  Valid values are: 1=256 bytes, 2=512 bytes, 3=1024 bytes, 4=2048 
bytes, 5=4096 bytes
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_min_rnr_timer" (current 
value: <25>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand minimum "receiver not ready" timer, in 
seconds (must be >= 0 and <= 31)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_timeout" (current value: 
<24>, data source: environment or cmdline)
                          InfiniBand transmit timeout, plugged into formula: 
4.096 microseconds * (2^btl_openib_ib_timeout) (must be >= 0 and <= 31)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_retry_count" (current value: 
<7>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand transmit retry count (must be >= 0 and <= 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_rnr_retry" (current value: 
<7>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand "receiver not ready" retry count; applies 
*only* to SRQ/XRC queues.  PP queues use RNR retry values of 0 because Open MPI 
performs software flow control to guarantee that RNRs never occur (must be >= 0 
and <= 7; 7 = "infinite")
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_max_rdma_dst_ops" (current 
value: <4>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand maximum pending RDMA destination 
operations (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_service_level" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          InfiniBand service level (must be >= 0 and <= 15)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ib_path_record_service_level" 
(current value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Enable getting InfiniBand service level from 
PathRecord (must be >= 0, 0 = disabled, positive = try to get the service level 
from PathRecord)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_use_eager_rdma" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Use RDMA for eager messages (-1 = use device default, 
0 = do not use eager RDMA, 1 = use eager RDMA)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_eager_rdma_threshold" (current 
value: <16>, data source: default value)
                          Use RDMA for short messages after this number of 
messages are received from a given peer (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_max_eager_rdma" (current value: 
<16>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of peers allowed to use RDMA for short 
messages (RDMA is used for all long messages, except if explicitly disabled, 
such as with the "dr" pml) (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_eager_rdma_num" (current value: 
<16>, data source: default value)
                          Number of RDMA buffers to allocate for small messages 
(must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_btls_per_lid" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          Number of BTLs to create for each InfiniBand LID 
(must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_max_lmc" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of LIDs to use for each device port 
(must be >= 0, where 0 = use all available)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_enable_apm_over_lmc" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of alternative paths for each device 
port (must be >= -1, where 0 = disable apm, -1 = all available alternative 
paths )
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_enable_apm_over_ports" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Enable alternative path migration (APM) over 
different ports of the same device (must be >= 0, where 0 = disable APM over 
ports, 1 = enable APM over ports of the same device)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_use_async_event_thread" 
(current value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, use the thread that will handle 
InfiniBand asynchronous events
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_enable_srq_resize" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Enable/Disable on demand SRQ resize. (0 = without 
resizing, nonzero = with resizing)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_buffer_alignment" (current 
value: <64>, data source: default value)
                          Preferred communication buffer alignment, in bytes 
(must be > 0 and power of two)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_use_message_coalescing" 
(current value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          If nonzero, use message coalescing
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_cq_poll_ratio" (current value: 
<100>, data source: default value)
                          How often to poll high priority CQ versus low 
priority CQ
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_eager_rdma_poll_ratio" (current 
value: <100>, data source: default value)
                          How often to poll eager RDMA channel versus CQ
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_hp_cq_poll_per_progress" 
(current value: <10>, data source: default value)
                          Max number of completion events to process for each 
call of BTL progress engine
                 MCA btl: information "btl_openib_have_fork_support" (value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          Whether the OpenFabrics stack supports applications 
that invoke the "fork()" system call or not (0 = no, 1 = yes). Note that this 
value does NOT indicate whether the system being run on supports "fork()" with 
OpenFabrics applications or not.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_exclusivity" (current value: 
<1024>, data source: default value)
                          BTL exclusivity (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_flags" (current value: <310>, 
data source: default value)
                          BTL bit flags (general flags: SEND=1, PUT=2, GET=4, 
SEND_INPLACE=8, RDMA_MATCHED=64, HETEROGENEOUS_RDMA=256; flags only used by the 
"dr" PML (ignored by others): ACK=16, CHECKSUM=32, RDMA_COMPLETION=128; flags 
only used by the "bfo" PML (ignored by others): FAILOVER_SUPPORT=512)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_rndv_eager_limit" (current 
value: <12288>, data source: default value)
                          Size (in bytes) of "phase 1" fragment sent for all 
large messages (must be >= 0 and <= eager_limit)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_eager_limit" (current value: 
<12288>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of "short" messages (must be 
>= 1).
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_max_send_size" (current value: 
<65536>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 2" 
fragment of a long message when using the pipeline protocol (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_rdma_pipeline_send_length" 
(current value: <1048576>, data source: default value)
                          Length of the "phase 2" portion of a large message 
(in bytes) when using the pipeline protocol.  This part of the message will be 
split into fragments of size max_send_size and sent using send/receive 
semantics (must be >= 0; only relevant when the PUT flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_rdma_pipeline_frag_size" 
(current value: <1048576>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 3" 
fragment from a long message when using the pipeline protocol.  These fragments 
will be sent using RDMA semantics (must be >= 1; only relevant when the PUT 
flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_min_rdma_pipeline_size" 
(current value: <262144>, data source: default value)
                          Messages smaller than this size (in bytes) will not 
use the RDMA pipeline protocol.  Instead, they will be split into fragments of 
max_send_size and sent using send/receive semantics (must be >=0, and is 
automatically adjusted up to at least 
(eager_limit+btl_rdma_pipeline_send_length); only relevant when the PUT flag is 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_bandwidth" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate maximum bandwidth of interconnect(0 = 
auto-detect value at run-time [not supported in all BTL modules], >= 1 = 
bandwidth in Mbps)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_latency" (current value: <4>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate latency of interconnect (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_receive_queues" (current value: 
data source: default value)
                          Colon-delimited, comma-delimited list of receive 
queues: P,4096,8,6,4:P,32768,8,6,4
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_if_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of devices/ports to be used 
(e.g. "mthca0,mthca1:2"; empty value means to use all ports found).  Mutually 
exclusive with btl_openib_if_exclude.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_if_exclude" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of device/ports to be excluded 
(empty value means to not exclude any ports).  Mutually exclusive with 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ipaddr_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of IP Addresses to be used (e.g. 
"").  Mutually exclusive with btl_openib_ipaddr_exclude.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_ipaddr_exclude" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of IP Addresses to be excluded 
(e.g. "").  Mutually exclusive with btl_openib_ipaddr_include.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_gid_index" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          GID index to use on verbs device ports
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_memalign" (current value: <32>, 
data source: default value)
                          [64 | 32 | 0] - Enable (64bit or 32bit)/Disable(0) 
memoryalignment for all malloc calls if btl openib is used.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_memalign_threshold" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Allocating memory more than 
btl_openib_memalign_threshholdbytes will automatically be algined to the value 
of btl_openib_memalign bytes.memalign_threshhold defaults to the same value as 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_cpc_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Method used to select OpenFabrics connections (valid 
values: oob,xoob,rdmacm)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_cpc_exclude" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Method used to exclude OpenFabrics connections (valid 
values: oob,xoob,rdmacm)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_oob_priority" (current 
value: <50>, data source: default value)
                          The selection method priority for oob
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_xoob_priority" (current 
value: <60>, data source: default value)
                          The selection method priority for xoob
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_rdmacm_priority" 
(current value: <30>, data source: default value)
                          The selection method priority for rdma_cm
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_rdmacm_port" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          The selection method port for rdma_cm
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_rdmacm_resolve_timeout" 
(current value: <30000>, data source: default value)
                          The timeout (in miliseconds) for address and route 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_connect_rdmacm_retry_count" 
(current value: <20>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of times rdmacm will retry route 
                 MCA btl: parameter 
"btl_openib_connect_rdmacm_reject_causes_connect_error" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          The drivers for some devices are buggy such that an 
RDMA REJECT action may result in a CONNECT_ERROR event instead of a REJECTED 
event.  Setting this MCA parameter to true tells Open MPI to treat 
CONNECT_ERROR events on connections where a REJECT is expected as a REJECT 
(default: false)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_openib_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: information "btl_sm_have_knem_support" (value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Whether this component supports the knem Linux kernel 
module or not
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_use_knem" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Whether knem support is desired or not (negative = 
try to enable knem support, but continue even if it is not available, 0 = do 
not enable knem support, positive = try to enable knem support and fail if it 
is not available)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_knem_dma_min" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Minimum message size (in bytes) to use the knem DMA 
mode; ignored if knem does not support DMA mode (0 = do not use the knem DMA 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_knem_max_simultaneous" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Max number of simultaneous ongoing knem operations to 
support (0 = do everything synchronously, which probably gives the best large 
message latency; >0 means to do all operations asynchronously, which supports 
better overlap for simultaneous large message sends)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_num" (current value: <8>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<64>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_max_procs" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_mpool" (current value: <sm>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_fifo_size" (current value: <4096>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_num_fifos" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_fifo_lazy_free" (current value: 
<120>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_sm_extra_procs" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_exclusivity" (current value: 
<65535>, data source: default value)
                          BTL exclusivity (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_flags" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          BTL bit flags (general flags: SEND=1, PUT=2, GET=4, 
SEND_INPLACE=8, RDMA_MATCHED=64, HETEROGENEOUS_RDMA=256; flags only used by the 
"dr" PML (ignored by others): ACK=16, CHECKSUM=32, RDMA_COMPLETION=128; flags 
only used by the "bfo" PML (ignored by others): FAILOVER_SUPPORT=512)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_rndv_eager_limit" (current value: 
<4096>, data source: default value)
                          Size (in bytes) of "phase 1" fragment sent for all 
large messages (must be >= 0 and <= eager_limit)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_eager_limit" (current value: 
<4096>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of "short" messages (must be 
>= 1).
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_max_send_size" (current value: 
<32768>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 2" 
fragment of a long message when using the pipeline protocol (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_bandwidth" (current value: <9000>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate maximum bandwidth of interconnect(0 = 
auto-detect value at run-time [not supported in all BTL modules], >= 1 = 
bandwidth in Mbps)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_latency" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          Approximate latency of interconnect (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_sm_priority" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_links" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of devices or CIDR notation of 
networks to use for MPI communication (e.g., "eth0,eth1" or 
",").  Mutually exclusive with btl_tcp_if_exclude.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_exclude" (current value: 
<,sppp>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of devices and/or CIDR notation 
of networks to NOT use for MPI communication -- all devices not matching these 
specifications will be used (e.g., "eth0,").  If set to a 
non-default value, it is mutually exclusive with btl_tcp_if_include.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_num" (current value: 
<8>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_max" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_free_list_inc" (current value: 
<32>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_sndbuf" (current value: <131072>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_rcvbuf" (current value: <131072>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_endpoint_cache" (current value: 
<30720>, data source: default value)
                          The size of the internal cache for each TCP 
connection. This cache is used to reduce the number of syscalls, by replacing 
them with memcpy. Every read will read the expected data plus the amount of the 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_use_nagle" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Whether to use Nagle's algorithm or not (using 
Nagle's algorithm may increase short message latency)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_port_min_v4" (current value: 
<1024>, data source: default value)
                          The minimum port where the TCP BTL will try to bind 
(default 1024)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_port_range_v4" (current value: 
<64511>, data source: default value)
                          The number of ports where the TCP BTL will try to 
bind (default 64511). This parameter together with the port min, define a range 
of ports where Open MPI will open sockets.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_exclusivity" (current value: 
<100>, data source: default value)
                          BTL exclusivity (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_flags" (current value: <314>, data 
source: default value)
                          BTL bit flags (general flags: SEND=1, PUT=2, GET=4, 
SEND_INPLACE=8, RDMA_MATCHED=64, HETEROGENEOUS_RDMA=256; flags only used by the 
"dr" PML (ignored by others): ACK=16, CHECKSUM=32, RDMA_COMPLETION=128; flags 
only used by the "bfo" PML (ignored by others): FAILOVER_SUPPORT=512)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_rndv_eager_limit" (current value: 
<65536>, data source: default value)
                          Size (in bytes) of "phase 1" fragment sent for all 
large messages (must be >= 0 and <= eager_limit)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_eager_limit" (current value: 
<65536>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of "short" messages (must be 
>= 1).
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_max_send_size" (current value: 
<131072>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 2" 
fragment of a long message when using the pipeline protocol (must be >= 1)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_rdma_pipeline_send_length" 
(current value: <131072>, data source: default value)
                          Length of the "phase 2" portion of a large message 
(in bytes) when using the pipeline protocol.  This part of the message will be 
split into fragments of size max_send_size and sent using send/receive 
semantics (must be >= 0; only relevant when the PUT flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_rdma_pipeline_frag_size" (current 
value: <2147483647>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum size (in bytes) of a single "phase 3" 
fragment from a long message when using the pipeline protocol.  These fragments 
will be sent using RDMA semantics (must be >= 1; only relevant when the PUT 
flag is set)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_min_rdma_pipeline_size" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Messages smaller than this size (in bytes) will not 
use the RDMA pipeline protocol.  Instead, they will be split into fragments of 
max_send_size and sent using send/receive semantics (must be >=0, and is 
automatically adjusted up to at least 
(eager_limit+btl_rdma_pipeline_send_length); only relevant when the PUT flag is 
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_bandwidth" (current value: <100>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate maximum bandwidth of interconnect(0 = 
auto-detect value at run-time [not supported in all BTL modules], >= 1 = 
bandwidth in Mbps)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_latency" (current value: <100>, 
data source: default value)
                          Approximate latency of interconnect (must be >= 0)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_disable_family" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_seq" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          If specified, a comma-delimited list of TCP 
interfaces.  Interfaces will be assigned, one to each MPI process, in a 
round-robin fashion on each server.  For example, if the list is "eth0,eth1" 
and four MPI processes are run on a single server, then local ranks 0 and 2 
will use eth0 and local ranks 1 and 3 will use eth1.
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_include" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_exclude" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_base_warn_component_unused" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          This parameter is used to turn on warning messages 
when certain NICs are not used
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the mtl 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the mtl framework (0 = no 
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_connect_timeout" (current value: 
<180>, data source: default value)
                          PSM connection timeout value in seconds
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_debug" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          PSM debug level
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_ib_unit" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Truescale unit to use
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_ib_port" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Truescale port on unit to use
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_ib_service_level" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Infiniband service level(0 <= SL <= 15)
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_ib_pkey" (current value: <32767>, 
data source: default value)
                          Infiniband partition key
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_ib_service_id" (current value: 
<0x1000117500000000>, data source: default value)
                          Infiniband service ID to use for application (default 
is 0)
                 MCA mtl: parameter "mtl_psm_path_query" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Path record query mechanisms (valid values: opp, none)
                MCA topo: parameter "topo" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the topo 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                MCA topo: parameter "topo_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the topo framework (0 = no 
                MCA topo: parameter "topo_unity_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the osc 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the osc framework (0 = no 
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_no_locks" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Enable optimizations available only if MPI_LOCK is 
not used.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_eager_limit" (current value: 
<16384>, data source: default value)
                          Max size of eagerly sent data
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_pt2pt_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_eager_send" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Attempt to start data movement during communication 
call, instead of at synchrnoization time.  Info key of same name overrides this 
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_use_buffers" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Coalesce messages during an epoch to reduce network 
utilization.  Info key of same name overrides this value.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_use_rdma" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Use real RDMA operations to transfer data.  Info key 
of same name overrides this value.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_rdma_completion_wait" (current 
value: <1>, data source: default value)
                          Wait for all completion of rdma events before sending 
acknowledgment.  Info key of same name overrides this value.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_no_locks" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Enable optimizations available only if MPI_LOCK is 
not used.  Info key of same name overrides this value.
                 MCA osc: parameter "osc_rdma_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                  MCA op: parameter "op_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Verbosity level of the op framework
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the iof 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the iof framework (0 = no 
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_hnp_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_orted_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA iof: parameter "iof_tool_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the oob 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the oob framework (0 = no 
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_verbose" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Verbose level for the OOB tcp component
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_peer_limit" (current value: <-1>, 
data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of peer connections to simultaneously 
maintain (-1 = infinite)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_peer_retries" (current value: 
<60>, data source: default value)
                          Number of times to try shutting down a connection 
before giving up
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_debug" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                          Enable (1) / disable (0) debugging output for this 
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_sndbuf" (current value: <131072>, 
data source: default value)
                          TCP socket send buffering size (in bytes)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_rcvbuf" (current value: <131072>, 
data source: default value)
                          TCP socket receive buffering size (in bytes)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_if_include" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of TCP interfaces to use
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_if_exclude" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Comma-delimited list of TCP interfaces to exclude
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_connect_sleep" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          Enable (1) / disable (0) random sleep for connection 
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_mode" (current value: 
<event>, data source: default value)
                          Mode for HNP to accept incoming connections: event, 
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_thread_max_queue" (current 
value: <10>, data source: default value)
                          High water mark for queued accepted socket list size. 
 Used only when listen_mode is listen_thread.
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_listen_thread_wait_time" (current 
value: <10>, data source: default value)
                          Time in milliseconds to wait before actively checking 
for new connections when listen_mode is listen_thread.
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_static_ports" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Static ports for daemons and procs (IPv4)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_dynamic_ports" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          Range of ports to be dynamically used by daemons and 
procs (IPv4)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_disable_family" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Disable IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6)
                 MCA oob: parameter "oob_tcp_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                MCA odls: parameter "odls_base_sigkill_timeout" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value)
                          Time to wait for a process to die after issuing a 
kill signal to it
                MCA odls: parameter "odls" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the odls 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                MCA odls: parameter "odls_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the odls framework (0 = no 
                MCA odls: parameter "odls_default_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_base_display_alloc" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to display the allocation after it is 
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_base_display_devel_alloc" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to display a developer-detail allocation 
after it is determined
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the ras 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the ras framework (0 = no 
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_cm_priority" (current value: <0>, data 
source: default value)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_loadleveler_priority" (current value: 
<90>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of the loadleveler ras component
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_lsf_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ras: parameter "ras_slurm_priority" (current value: <75>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the slurm ras component
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_rank_file_path" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value, synonym of: orte_rankfile)
                          Name of the rankfile to be used for mapping processes 
(relative or absolute path)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_schedule_policy" (current 
value: <slot>, data source: default value)
                          Scheduling Policy for RMAPS. [slot (alias:core) | 
socket | board | node]
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_pernode" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Launch one ppn as directed
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_n_pernode" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Launch n procs/node
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_n_perboard" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Launch n procs/board
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_n_persocket" (current value: 
<-1>, data source: default value)
                          Launch n procs/socket
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_loadbalance" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Balance total number of procs across all allocated 
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_cpus_per_proc" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value, synonyms: rmaps_base_cpus_per_rank)
                          Number of cpus to use for each rank [1-2**15 
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_cpus_per_rank" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value, synonym of: rmaps_base_cpus_per_proc)
                          Number of cpus to use for each rank [1-2**15 
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_stride" (current value: <1>, 
data source: default value)
                          When binding multiple cores to a rank, the step size 
to use between cores [1-2**15 (default: 1)]
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_slot_list" (current value: 
<none>, data source: default value)
                          List of processor IDs to bind MPI processes to (e.g., 
used in conjunction with rank files) [default=NULL]
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_no_schedule_local" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          If false, allow scheduling MPI applications on the 
same node as mpirun (default).  If true, do not schedule any MPI applications 
on the same node as mpirun
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_no_oversubscribe" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          If true, then do not allow oversubscription of nodes 
- mpirun will return an error if there aren't enough nodes to launch all 
processes without oversubscribing
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_display_map" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to display the process map after it is 
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_display_devel_map" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
                          Whether to display a developer-detail process map 
after it is computed
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the rmaps 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the rmaps framework (0 = no 
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_load_balance_priority" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_rank_file_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_resilient_fault_grp_file" (current 
value: <none>, data source: default value)
                          Filename that contains a description of fault groups 
for this system
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_resilient_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_round_robin_priority" (current 
value: <0>, data source: default value)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_seq_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
               MCA rmaps: parameter "rmaps_topo_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_wrapper" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Use a Wrapper component around the selected RML 
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the rml 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the rml framework (0 = no 
                 MCA rml: parameter "rml_oob_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the routed 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the routed framework (0 = no 
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_binomial_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_cm_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_direct_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_linear_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_radix_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
              MCA routed: parameter "routed_slave_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_agent" (current value: <ssh : 
rsh>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: orte_rsh_agent)
                          The command used to launch executables on remote 
nodes (typically either "ssh" or "rsh")
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_assume_same_shell" (current value: 
<1>, data source: default value, deprecated, synonym of: orte_assume_same_shell)
                          If set to 1, assume that the shell on the remote node 
is the same as the shell on the local node.  Otherwise, probe for what the 
remote shell [default: 1]
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the plm 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the plm framework (0 = no 
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_lsf_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_num_concurrent" (current value: 
<128>, data source: default value)
                          How many plm_rsh_agent instances to invoke 
concurrently (must be > 0)
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_force_rsh" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Force the launcher to always use rsh
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_disable_qrsh" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Disable the launcher to use qrsh when under the SGE 
parallel environment
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_daemonize_qrsh" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Daemonize the orted under the SGE parallel environment
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_disable_llspawn" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Disable the use of llspawn when under the LoadLeveler 
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_daemonize_llspawn" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Daemonize the orted when under the LoadLeveler 
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_priority" (current value: <10>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the rsh plm component
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_delay" (current value: <1>, data 
source: default value)
                          Delay (in seconds) between invocations of the remote 
agent, but only used when the "debug" MCA parameter is true, or the top-level 
MCA debugging is enabled (otherwise this value is ignored)
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_rsh_tree_spawn" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          If set to 1, launch via a tree-based topology
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_slurm_args" (current value: <none>, 
data source: default value)
                          Custom arguments to srun
                 MCA plm: parameter "plm_slurm_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
               MCA filem: parameter "filem" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Which Filem component to use (empty = auto-select)
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the filem framework (0 = no 
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_priority" (current value: <20>, 
data source: default value)
                          Priority of the FILEM rsh component
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbose level for the FILEM rsh component
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_rcp" (current value: <scp>, data 
source: default value)
                          The rsh cp command for the FILEM rsh component
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_cp" (current value: <cp>, data 
source: default value)
                          The Unix cp command for the FILEM rsh component
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_rsh" (current value: <ssh>, data 
source: default value)
                          The remote shell command for the FILEM rsh component
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_max_incomming" (current value: 
<10>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of incomming connections (0 = any)
               MCA filem: parameter "filem_rsh_max_outgoing" (current value: 
<10>, data source: default value)
                          Maximum number of out going connections (0 = any)
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the errmgr 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the errmgr framework (0 = no 
              MCA errmgr: parameter "errmgr_default_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess" (current value: <none>, data source: 
default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the ess 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the ess framework (0 = no 
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_env_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_hnp_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_lsf_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_singleton_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_slave_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_slurm_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_slurmd_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                 MCA ess: parameter "ess_tool_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
             MCA grpcomm: parameter "grpcomm" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the grpcomm 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
             MCA grpcomm: parameter "grpcomm_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the grpcomm framework (0 = no 
             MCA grpcomm: parameter "grpcomm_bad_priority" (current value: <0>, 
data source: default value)
             MCA grpcomm: parameter "grpcomm_basic_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
             MCA grpcomm: parameter "grpcomm_hier_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_threshold_severity" (current 
value: <critical>, data source: default value)
                          Report all events at or above this severity [default: 
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier" (current value: <none>, data 
source: default value)
                          Default selection set of components for the notifier 
framework (<none> means use all components that can be found)
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_base_verbose" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)
                          Verbosity level for the notifier framework (0 = no 
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_command_cmd" (current value: 
</sbin/initlog -f $s -n "Open MPI" -s "$S: $m (errorcode: $e)">, data source: 
default value)
                          Command to execute, with substitution.  $s = integer 
severity; $S = string severity; $e = integer error code; $m = string message
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_command_timeout" (current value: 
<30>, data source: default value)
                          Timeout (in seconds) of the command
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_command_priority" (current value: 
<10>, data source: default value)
                          Priority of this component
            MCA notifier: parameter "notifier_syslog_priority" (current value: 
<0>, data source: default value)

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