Yes, I am using the right one. I've installed the freshly compiled openmpi into /opt/openmpi/1.3.3-g95-32. If I edit the mpif.h file by hand and put "error!" in the first line I get:

zamblap:sandbox zamb$ edit /opt/openmpi/1.3.3-g95-32/include/mpif.h

zamblap:sandbox zamb$ mpif77 inplace_test.f90

In file mpif.h:1

    Included at inplace_test.f90:7



Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)

(btw, if I use the F90 bindings instead I get a similar problem, except the address for the MPI_IN_PLACE fortran constant is slightly different from the F77 binding, i.e. instead of 0x50920 I get 0x508e0)

Thanks for your help,


Subject: Re: [OMPI users] OMPI users] MPI_IN_PLACE in Fortran withMPI_REDUCE / MPI_ALLREDUCE
From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-07-29 08:54:38

Can you confirm that you're using the right mpif.h?

Keep in mind that each MPI implementation's mpif.h is different --
it's a common mistake to assume that the mpif.h from one MPI
implementation should work with another implementation (e.g., someone
copied mpif.h from one MPI to your software's source tree, so the
compiler always finds that one instead of the MPI-implementation-
provided mpif.h.).

On Jul 28, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Ricardo Fonseca wrote:

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