Re: [one-users] Configuring Ceph datastore 4.6

2014-09-10 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
RBD support is disabled in the Centos 7.0 qemu release packages. There's a block in the .spec file that reads: %if %{rhev} --enable-live-block-ops \ --enable-ceph-support \ %else --disable-live-block-ops \ --disable-ceph-support \ %endif rhev is defined 0 at the

Re: [one-users] New QuicksStart guide to deploy OpenNebula under CentOS 7

2014-08-15 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Sone notes: 1. You can use SELINUX=enforcing with kvm, just run: setsebool -P virt_use_nfs 1 setsebool -P virt_use_execmem 1 2. Return ethX interfaces names: Edit /etc/default/grub At the end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line append net.ifnames=0 run grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg reboot 3. It's

Re: [one-users] New QuicksStart guide to deploy OpenNebula under CentOS 7

2014-08-15 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
for those notes, they're really useful. Would you like to send a pull request to the docs repo? I'd be very happy to merge it. Otherwise I'll revisit the guide at some point and apply your suggestions. cheers, Jaime On Aug 15, 2014 2:37 PM, Vladislav Gorbunov wrote: Sone notes: 1

Re: [one-users] OpenNebula ceph snapshots problem.

2014-05-14 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Can you write me what i need to do to migrate to qcow2 format? I've got running vm's that cannot be deleted. I tried migrating them form rbd v1 to v2 but this doesn't solved my problem. You need NFS datastore. Only NFS or SSH datastore support qcow2 file format. But Opennebula can't move image

Re: [one-users] iSCSI Synology

2014-05-12 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
You can use the Shared LVM driver for iSCSI, Fibre Channel or other block device sharing storage systems: 2014-05-12 21:31 GMT+12:00 Christophe Duez Hello, Anyone that has succeed in combining a synology nas with

Re: [one-users] Opennebula problem with cephdatastore.

2014-04-02 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Try to start qemu directly on the node-02 (on oneadmin user): virsh --connect qemu:///system create /var/lib/one//datastores/0/3/deployment.3 and see errors. 2014-04-01 0:27 GMT+12:00 Leszek Master I want to use ceph with opennebula as datastore. I've created ceph datastore

Re: [one-users] libvirt permissions issue:

2014-04-02 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Try to add this lines to the /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf user = oneadmin group = oneadmin dynamic_ownership = 0 2014-04-03 6:27 GMT+12:00 Steven Timm This is about a test OpenNebula 4.4 installation but we have the same problem in OpenNebula 3.2 and have been kludging around it.

Re: [one-users] reupload RBD images

2014-01-18 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
You can create create image in open nebula pool radios from existing rbd image rados/foo with command like: oneimage create -d rados --name foo --type os --persistent --size `rbd info rados/foo|awk '/size/ {print $5*4}'` --source rados/foo 2014/1/17 Matthew Richardson On

Re: [one-users] change video card

2014-01-15 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
video/video must be inside devices section of libvirt xml file. You can't change devices section with RAW in Opennebula. That is why you template has not effect. 2013/8/27 Dmitri Chebotarov Hi By default ONE always uses 'cirrus' as video card and I cannot find a way to

Re: [one-users] (block) iotune support in templates

2013-12-07 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
I make the path for iotune support: You can download x64 rpm with iotune support (need only /usr/bin/oned) for CentOS 6.4 from 2013/11/18 Stefan Kooman

Re: [one-users] feature request

2013-12-05 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
I patch opennebula-4.4.0/src/vmm/ for support MACHINE parameter (in attachment). You can download binary rpm for CentOS 6.4 (need only oned) with this patch from the But look like libvirt not

Re: [one-users] Sunstone problems

2013-12-03 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Check that new parameter exist in the /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf # Default table order :table_order: desc Without it Sunstone don't show any data. Look like a bug. 2013/12/4 Ionut Popovici Hello .. i have a problem. I have updated to openenbula 4.4.0 On CLI

Re: [one-users] recover the RBD

2013-09-30 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
You can export image from ceph cluster with qemu-img: qemu-img convert -p -O qcow2 rbd:one/image-name:mon_host=ceph-mon-name /var/lib/libvirt/images/image-name.qcow2 ceph-mon-name is the name of ceph cluster monitor server or IP. 2013/9/23 Kenneth So I have a about 20

Re: [one-users] how to change cdrom disk when a vm is running

2013-07-26 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
I am connect to host with virt-manager and change CDROM with it managment interface. пятница, 26 июля 2013 г. пользователь Sam Song писал: Hi forks, I want to install redhat enterprise linux into a vm from cdrom. The redhat release has 5 discs total. During the installation, I was asked

[one-users] Convert OpenNebula DB from sqlite to MySQL

2012-10-25 Thread Vladislav Gorbunov
Manual for convert OpenNebula DB from sqlite to MySQL: Create MySQL database opennebula, grant access to user oneadmin with password onepass Get convert script from the