On 2012-05-21 16:16, Olivier Berger wrote:

I've read
which states that :

   OpenNebula will mount the disks as follows:

     sda: OS type Image.
     sdb: Contextualization CDROM.
     sdc: CDROM type Image.
     sdd: Swap disk.
     sd[e,f,g?]: DATABLOCK type Images.

However, from what I can see (under 3.2, but the docs are the same), I

sda : boot disk ln-ed from my persistent image
sdb : swap
sr0 : contextualization CD

Is this mapping dependant of the virtulizer (I'm using KVM).

Is the docs wrong, or is this an hypothetical example ?

I'm using LABEL=CDROM and it works in Debian >=6.x and CentOS/ScientificLinux/RedHat >=5.x and later and also in both Xen and KVM.

Regards, Rolandas Naujikas

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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