OKD 3.11 Error "Error: Invalid JWT token: signature is invalid (client and server secrets may not match)"

2019-12-02 Thread Julián Tete
Hello friends of OKD I have tried to install an OKD cluster with the following configuration: 3 masters, 3 infrastructure nodes, 6 GlusterFS, 3 computer nodes. The idea is to provide storage in GlusterFS with an "Independent Mode" type configuration as described here.

Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "glusterfs-storage": create volume error: error creating volume

2018-06-25 Thread Julián Tete
Hello friends Greetings to the OpenShift Origin community from Colombia. I have installed OpenShift Origin 3.9 on oVirt 4.1. A master server and 3 nodes. With the following file /etc/ansible/hosts: https://pastebin.com/EQvUdA2Y But when creating a storage volume, I get the error: "Failed to