
I haven't been able to narrow this down more but basically the Ansible
installation is, sometimes, breaking my home dir.

My home dir is mounted with autofs from nfs. It normally looks like this.

-bash-4.2$ df -h | grep home
<nas>:/<path>/<userid> 303G  259G   44G  86% /home/userid

After running the installer I eventually lose access to my home directory
and see this error when trying to get in.

bash-4.2$ cd
-bash: cd: /home/<userid>: Too many levels of symbolic links

And my home directory is no longer mounted.

-bash-4.2$  df -h | grep home

So whatever is now in the local /home/dir has some weird sym link problem.

Here's the kicker: If I restart docker the problem goes away.

Another colleague who ran the Ansible install had the same problem.

This is how we're running it.

sudo ansible-playbook --user=<myuserid>
--private-key=/home/<myuserid>/.ssh/id_rsa --become -i ~/path/config
~/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml -vv

Any ideas?


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