Your Ti and O pseudopotential files do not contain atomic wavefunctions. When using Hubbard U with the "ortho-atomic" option, atomic wavefunctions are required, also on atoms without a Hubbard U term, I think. With "atomic" option, it should work.


On 14/02/2024 07:22, 임용식 wrote:
Non si ricevono spesso messaggi di posta elettronica da Informazioni sul perché è importante <>

Hello all~

I'm now calculating the "vc-relax" of EuTiO3 material using Scalar relativistic pseudopotentials. This material is antiferromanetic since Eu atoms consist of up & down magnetization uniformly.

Recently, the problem occured while calculating "vc-relax" . The error message is as follows:


Error in routine natomwfc_per_atom (1):

m_start > m_end


I don't know how to solve this problem. Although I searched the internet to solve this problem, I couldn't find appropriate solution.

Please help me.

Thank you.

P.S     I attach Input file("") & Output one("stdout.txt").

Yongsik Lym

Gwangju Institute Science & Technology.

*보낸 사람:* 임용식
*보낸 날짜:* 2024년 2월 14일 수요일 오후 3:17
*받는 사람:* <>
*제목:* [Probelm] Error in routine natomwfc_per_atom (1): m_start > m_end

Hello all~

I'm now calculating the "vc-relax" of EuTiO3 material using Scalar relativistic pseudopotentials. This material is antiferromanetic since Eu atoms consist of up & down magnetization uniformly.

Recently, the problem occured while calculating "vc-relax" . The error message is as follows:


Error in routine natomwfc_per_atom (1):

m_start > m_end


I don't know how to solve this problem. Although I searched the internet to solve this problem, I couldn't find appropriate solution.

Please help me.

Thank you.

Yongsik Lym

Gwangju Institute Science & Technology.

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