(large attachment removed, the pseudopotential file is Bi.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.2.UPF)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Problem with electric polarization calculation in quantum 
Date:   Thu, 14 Mar 2024 01:05:32 +0000
From:   Akshay Mahajan <akshaymah...@iisc.ac.in>
To:     users@lists.quantum-espresso.org <users@lists.quantum-espresso.org>

Dear QE Users,
I have been trying to calculate electric polarization for a 2D Bi monolayer (along the in-plane x-direction). I am using QE version 6.4.1.There are two issues that I am facing,

    The magnitude of the polarization changes significantly when the k_y
    values change (I am keeping k_z to 1 only since it is a 2D system).
    I expected it to reach some converged value but rather it keeps
    increasing on increasing the k_y value and then drops and then again
    starts increasing. The bash file is included in the email for this
    calculation. In the bash file (polarization_conv.sh) I am changing
    both k_x and k_y in the scf calculation and changing nppstr to 2*k_x
    and keeping k_x =nppstr in the nscf calculation. The result from
    running this bash script run is also included(pol_conv_Bi_mono). One
    can modify the script and check that only changing the k_y is
    causing this huge change in the polarization values.
    As per this paper
    the positive delta_h (refer to the paper for definition) should
    result in a positive polarization. While trying to calculate the
    variation of electric polarization with delta_h, I am getting
    negative polarization values for positive delta_h near the
    centrosymmetric structure (delta_h=0) and positive values for
    negative delta_h (again near the centrosymmetric structure
    (delta_h=0)). The bash script (polarization.sh) for this calculation
    and the result(pol_data_Bi_mono) are also attached.

I am also attaching the pseudopotential file for reference. Please let me know if anyone can determine the issue behind these incorrect results.
Thank you.
*Akshay Mahajan*
*Ph.D. Student *
*Prime Minister Research Fellow (PMRF) *
*Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU) *
*Indian Institute of Science (IISc)*
*Bengaluru, India *

Attachment: pol_conv_Bi_mono
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pol_data_Bi_mono
Description: Binary data


# Script to get the energy versus polarization and energy versus displacement plots
# Exclusive for Bi project (uses verticle dispalcement for polarization)

######### Energy conversion from Ry to eV parameter #########
######### Intial values from relaxed FE structure #########
h_u_pol=18.419321249     # polar h displacement in upper layer
h_l_pol=15.420625873     # polar h displacement in lower layer
u_ref=17.790480876       # ref for polar h displacement in upper layer
l_ref=14.791753001       # ref for polar h displacement in lower layer
z_vacc=33.211090088      # Lattice parameter along the vaccum

######### Initializing the delta_h values for polar structure #########
delta_h_u_pol=`echo "scale=9; $h_u_pol - $u_ref" | bc`
delta_h_l_pol=`echo "scale=9; $h_l_pol - $l_ref" | bc`

######### Initializing the delta_h value of equally stable other polar structure #########
neg_delta_h_u_pol=`echo "scale=9; $delta_h_u_pol * $neg" | bc`
neg_delta_h_l_pol=`echo "scale=9; $delta_h_l_pol * $neg" | bc`

######### Intializing the outskirt of polar displacement for plotting W curves #########
## positive outskirt
#u_pos_max=`echo "scale=9; 2.5*$delta_h_u_pol" | bc`
#l_pos_max=`echo "scale=9; 2.5*$delta_h_l_pol" | bc`
## negative outskirt
#u_neg_max=`echo "scale=9; 2.5*$neg_delta_h_u_pol" | bc`
#l_neg_max=`echo "scale=9; 2.5*$neg_delta_h_l_pol" | bc`

######### Creating delta_h values for upper layer #########
#delta_h_u_list=($(seq $u_pos_max -0.15 $delta_h_u_pol))
#delta_h_u_list+=($(seq $delta_h_u_pol -0.05 0))
delta_u=`echo "scale=9; $delta_h_u_pol/10" | bc`
delta_u_lst=`echo "scale=9; $delta_u * $neg" | bc`
delta_h_u_list=($(seq $delta_h_u_pol $delta_u_lst 0))
## getting the negative displacements
for (( idx=${#delta_h_u_list[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )); do
    u_neg_delta_list+=(`echo "scale=9; ${delta_h_u_list[$idx]} * $neg" | bc`)
## appending the negative displacements

######### Creating delta_h values for lower layer ######### 
#delta_h_l_list=($(seq $l_pos_max -0.15 $delta_h_l_pol))
#delta_h_l_list+=($(seq $delta_h_l_pol -0.05 0))
delta_l=`echo "scale=9; $delta_h_l_pol/10" | bc`
delta_l_lst=`echo "scale=9; $delta_l * $neg" | bc`
delta_h_l_list=($(seq $delta_h_l_pol $delta_l_lst 0))
## getting the negative displacements
for (( idx=${#delta_h_l_list[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )); do
    l_neg_delta_list+=(`echo "scale=9; ${delta_h_l_list[$idx]} * $neg" | bc`)
## appending the negative dispalcements

######### Normalized Displacement upper part #########
for (( idx=0 ; idx<=${#delta_h_u_list[@]}-1 ; idx++ )); do
    normalized_disp+=(`echo "scale=9; ${delta_h_u_list[$idx]} / $delta_h_u_pol" | bc`)

######### Normalized Displacement lower part #########
for (( idx=0 ; idx<=${#delta_h_l_list[@]}-1 ; idx++ )); do
    normalized_disp_2+=(`echo "scale=9; ${delta_h_l_list[$idx]} / $delta_h_l_pol" | bc`)

######### Sweeping across all values of delta_h for W curve calcualtions #########  
#echo "Normalized Displacement    Energy(meV/atom)       Polarization (10^(-10) C/m)" >> pol_data_Bi_mono
echo "Delta_h_u = $delta_h_u_pol  Delta_h_l = $delta_h_l_pol" >> normalized_disp_data 
echo "Normalized displacment for both layers of monolayer are provided below" >> normalized_disp_data
echo "Upper (layer-1)     Lower (layer-1)" >> normalized_disp_data
for (( idx=0 ; idx<=${#normalized_disp[@]}-1 ; idx++ )); do
	#mkdir folder-${normalized_disp[$idx]}
	mkdir folder-$idx
	cp main_job.sh folder-$idx
	cd folder-$idx
	coor_u_pol=`echo "scale=9; $u_ref + ${delta_h_u_list[$idx]}" | bc`
	coor_l_pol=`echo "scale=9; $l_ref + ${delta_h_l_list[$idx]}" | bc`
	# Create the input file XXXX.scf.in.
	cat > $scf_name.scf.in << EOF
    calculation = 'scf'
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
    prefix = 'bi_bp'
    pseudo_dir = '/home/akshay/pseudo/pbe.0.3.1/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS'
    outdir = './tmp/' 
    ibrav = 0
    nat = 4
    ntyp = 1
    ecutwfc = 74.0
    ecutrho = 592.0
    vdw_corr = 'dft-d'
    diagonalization = 'david'
    mixing_mode = 'plain'
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr = 7.35d-10
    Bi  208.9804   Bi.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   4.898252066   0.000000000   0.000000000
   0.000000000   4.443566326   0.000000000
   0.000000000   0.000000000  33.211090088
Bi       0.625057731   3.332674564  14.791753001
Bi       3.074182872   1.110891844  $coor_u_pol
Bi       0.218643999   3.332674564  17.790480876
Bi       2.667804736   1.110891844  $coor_l_pol
K_POINTS {automatic}
    16 16 1 0 0 0


	# Create the input file XXXX.scf.in.
	cat > $nscf_name.pol.in << EOF
    calculation = 'nscf'
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
    prefix = 'bi_bp'
    pseudo_dir = '/home/akshay/pseudo/pbe.0.3.1/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS'
    outdir = './tmp/'
    lberry = .true.
    gdir = 1
    nppstr = 32 
    ibrav = 0
    nat = 4
    ntyp = 1
    ecutwfc = 74.0
    ecutrho = 592.0
    vdw_corr = 'dft-d'
    diagonalization = 'david'
    mixing_mode = 'plain'
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr = 7.35d-10
    Bi  208.9804   Bi.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   4.898252066   0.000000000   0.000000000
   0.000000000   4.443566326   0.000000000
   0.000000000   0.000000000  33.211090088
Bi       0.625057731   3.332674564  14.791753001
Bi       3.074182872   1.110891844  $coor_u_pol
Bi       0.218643999   3.332674564  17.790480876
Bi       2.667804736   1.110891844  $coor_l_pol
K_POINTS {automatic}
    32 16 1 0 0 0
	# Running the files 
	sed -i -e "2s/Bi_BP/Bi_pol_$idx/g" main_job.sh
	qsub main_job.sh
	while [ $stop -eq 0 ]
		 grep -q 'JOB DONE.' $nscf_name.pol.out  && stop=1
	#rm -r ./tmp
   	cd ../ # Go back to the directory from where this script is executed.
	ene=`grep "!    total energy" folder-$idx/${scf_name}.scf.out | awk '{printf "%15.9f\n",$5}'`
	tot_en+=(`grep "!    total energy" folder-$idx/${scf_name}.scf.out | awk '{printf "%15.9f\n",$5}'`)
	pol=`grep "C/m^2" folder-$idx/${nscf_name}.pol.out | awk '{printf "%5.7f\n",$3}'`
	polarization+=(`echo "scale=15; $pol * $z_vacc" | bc`)
        echo "${normalized_disp[$idx]} $ene $pol" >> pol_data_Bi_mono	
        # The >> symbols indicates that the data in each run must be appended to the same file and not overwrite the file.
   	echo "${normalized_disp[$idx]} ${tot_en[$idx]} ${polarization[$idx]}" >> run_check
	echo "${normalized_disp[$idx]} ${normalized_disp_2[$idx]}" >> normalized_disp_data

######### Post-processing polarization values and storing the values #########
#para_idx=`echo "scale=0; ( (${#normalized_disp[@]}-1) / 2 )" | bc`
#for (( idx=0 ; idx<=${#normalized_disp[@]}-1 ; idx++ )); do
#	energy_final=`echo "scale=9; ( (${tot_en[$idx]} * $Q * 1000) / 4 )" | bc`
#	polarization_final=`echo "scale=9; ${polarization[$idx]} - ${polarization[$para_idx]}" | bc`
#	echo "${normalized_disp[$idx]} $energy_final $polarization_final" >> pol_data_Bi_mono


# Script to get the energy versus polarization and energy versus displacement plots
# Exclusive for Bi project (uses verticle dispalcement for polarization)
#pol_polar=`grep "C/m^2" folder-16/Bi_BP_polar.pol.out | awk '{printf "%5.7f\n",$3}'`
#pol_non_polar=`grep "C/m^2" folder-16/Bi_BP_non_polar.pol.out | awk '{printf "%5.7f\n",$3}'`
#polar_diff=`echo "scale=15; $pol_polar - $pol_non_polar" | bc`
#polarization=`echo "scale=15; $polar_diff * $z_vacc" | bc`
#echo "$k $polarization" >> pol_k_conv_Bi_mono
echo "Checking polarization convergence with k (npppstr=2*k)" >> pol_conv_Bi_mono
for k in $(seq 33 1 50)
	mkdir folder-$k
	cp main_job.sh folder-$k	
	cd folder-$k
        nppstr=`echo "scale=15; $k * 2" | bc`
	# Create the input file XXXX.scf.in. 
	cat > $scf_pol_name.in << EOF
    calculation = 'scf'
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
    prefix = 'bi_bp'
    pseudo_dir = '/home/akshay/pseudo/pbe.0.3.1/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS'
    outdir = './tmp/' 
    ibrav = 0
    nat = 4
    ntyp = 1
    ecutwfc = 74.0
    ecutrho = 592.0
    vdw_corr = 'dft-d'
    diagonalization = 'david'
    mixing_mode = 'plain'
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr = 7.35d-10
    Bi  208.9804   Bi.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   4.898252066   0.000000000   0.000000000
   0.000000000   4.443566326   0.000000000
   0.000000000   0.000000000  33.211090088
Bi       0.625057731   3.332674564  14.791753001
Bi       3.074182872   1.110891844  18.419321249
Bi       0.218643999   3.332674564  17.790480876
Bi       2.667804736   1.110891844  15.420625873
K_POINTS {automatic}
    $k $k 1 0 0 0
        # Create the input file XXXX.nscf.in.
        cat > $nscf_pol_name.in << EOF
    calculation = 'nscf'
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
    prefix = 'bi_bp'
    pseudo_dir = '/home/akshay/pseudo/pbe.0.3.1/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS'
    outdir = './tmp/'
    lberry = .true.
    gdir = 1
    nppstr = $nppstr
    ibrav = 0
    nat = 4
    ntyp = 1
    ecutwfc = 74.0
    ecutrho = 592.0
    vdw_corr = 'dft-d'
    diagonalization = 'david'
    mixing_mode = 'plain'
    mixing_beta = 0.7
    conv_thr = 7.35d-10
    Bi  208.9804   Bi.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   4.898252066   0.000000000   0.000000000
   0.000000000   4.443566326   0.000000000
   0.000000000   0.000000000  33.211090088
Bi       0.625057731   3.332674564  14.791753001
Bi       3.074182872   1.110891844  18.419321249
Bi       0.218643999   3.332674564  17.790480876
Bi       2.667804736   1.110891844  15.420625873
K_POINTS {automatic}
    $nppstr $k 1 0 0 0
	# Running the files 
	sed -i -e "2s/Bi_BP/pol_$k/g" main_job.sh
        # Starting both runs
	qsub main_job.sh
	# waiting for polar run to finish
	while [ $stop -eq 0 ]
		 grep -q 'JOB DONE.' $nscf_pol_name.out  && stop=1

   	cd ../ # Go back to the directory from where this script is executed.
	# Getting polarization values 
	pol_val=`grep "C/m^2" folder-${k}/${nscf_pol_name}.out | awk '{printf "%5.7f\n",$3}'`
        polarization=`echo "scale=15; $pol_val * $z_vacc" | bc`
        echo "$k $polarization" >> pol_conv_Bi_mono	
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