
When I modify the file myfunction.sci in my librairie "mylib", the update works as expected when I restard Scilab with the following lines in my .scilab file

add_help_chapter("Librairie perso",SCIHOME+"mylib/jar")

I would like to do the update without Scilab exit and restart, so I do

--> del_help_chapter("Librairie perso")
--> clear mylib myfunction
--> genlib(SCIHOME+"/mylib/macros")
--> help_from_sci(SCIHOME+"/mylib/macros/myfunction.sci",SCIHOME+"/mylib/help/fr_FR");
--> xmltojar(SCIHOME"/mylib/help/fr_FR","Librairie perso","fr_FR");
--> load(SCIHOME+"/mylib/macros/lib")
--> add_help_chapter("Librairie perso",SCIHOME+"mylib/jar")

Excepted genlib and xmltojar, not all the code lines work all the time (some time yes and some time no). I understand nothing because I not able to reproduce "deterministically" the success, or not! So I think my code is wrong.

What is the good code to update library and help after changing a file?

Jean-Yves Baudais

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