Re: [Scilab-users] Combinatorics

2022-04-15 Thread Claus Futtrup

Hi Mikhail and Scilabers

Thank you Mikhail for the equation with factorials, the URL to 
Wikipedia, and confirming my findings are OK (I really wasn't sure).
Although the specifics of my case (with codes on a lock) seems very 
constrained and 'special' - I suppose it is common after all.

It is interesting to see the math is quite simple.
It is also interesting to see the 'distribution' of combinations:

Buttons pushed  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   
8   9   10  Sum =
Combinations1   10  45  120 210 252 210 120 
45  10  1   1024

It is not that 'safe' of a lock because someone can decode it within an 
hour or so. If you take e.g. 5 seconds for trying each combo, we're 
talking about 1,4 hours to try all of them and maybe you hit jackpot 
somewhere in the middle.

It is not advisable to choose 0 or 1 buttons for the code. Coding 5 
random numbers to be pushed on the lock will give the highest number of 
combinations, but 4-6 buttons gives a suitable range of codes, 7 could 
also be OK. Although more buttons pushed gives fewer combinations, it's 
unlikely that e.g. a thief will start with a high number of buttons 
pushed (pure psychology).

From a decoding point of view, the most interesting part of the lock is 
that it isn't as simple as decoding a combination lock with 3 dials 
where you can easily keep track of how far you are. It becomes 
complicated and one kinda needs a look-up table to try all the 
combinations and it requires more concentration to go through all the 


On 15-04-2022 17:59, Mikhail Urusov wrote:

Dear Claus,

Just in case you have not got an answer yet:

> I can 'invent' a calculation, which could be : =10*9*8/(3*2*1) = 120 
... if this indeed shows the internal workings, I'd like to know why. 
Sorry my combinatorics is so bad ... I

This is right. In general, the formula for the number of 
k-combinations of n elements is

n! / ( k! (n-k)! ).
Alternatively, you can write this as
n*(n-1)**(n-k+1) / (k!).
(This is the way you have written it above for n = 10 and k = 3.)
The explanation in general is quite similar to this case:

> Two buttons pushed. There's 10 * 9 / 2 = 45 combinations. Each 
button can only be pushed once, so once you've selected the first 
button, there's only 9 left, but also we divide by two because the 
combination are doubled, I mean for example the combination 1-2 = 2-1 
... the lock doesn't know the difference. If you spread out the 
possibilities in a 2D plane, it's like ignoring the diagonal (like 
pushing the same button twice) and also we either ignore the upper or 
lower triangle. Makes sense?

For example, for n=10 and k=4:
If you consider "arrangements", i.e., the combinations, where the 
order matters (e.g., 1-2-5-7 and 2-7-5-1 are different), then you have 
10*9*8*7 such arrangements (for the first button you have 10 variants, 
for the second one 9 variants, etc), but each "combination" (that is, 
where the order does not matter) is counted 4! (=1*2*3*4) times 
(number of permutations of 4 elements), so you need to divide: 

For more information, see

Best regards,

Am Do., 14. Apr. 2022 um 13:51 Uhr schrieb Claus Futtrup 

Dear Scilabers

I hope you can help me out. My combinatorics is a bit rusty.

So, the spouse has purchased a lock and I wondered how many
combinations are available?

The lock has 10 push buttons, they are numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0.

From a programming point of view, any of the numbers can be set on
or off, meaning there are 2^10 = 1024 combinations, as far as I
can see.

I wonder how they are distributed, and how many of the numbers I
should activate in the lock to maximize the number of combinations?

Let's see, we have:

None (none of the buttons are activated), there's exactly 1
combination for this situation. The lock is delivered from the
manufacturer in this state.

All (all of the buttons are activated), there's exactly 1
combination for this situation as well (no variability).

One button pushed. There's obviously 10 possible combinations
(push any one of the 10 buttons).

Two buttons pushed. There's 10 * 9 / 2 = 45 combinations. Each
button can only be pushed once, so once you've selected the first
button, there's only 9 left, but also we divide by two because the
combination are doubled, I mean for example the combination 1-2 =
2-1 ... the lock doesn't know the difference. If you spread out
the possibilities in a 2D plane, it's like ignoring the diagonal
(like pushing the same button twice) and also we either ignore the
upper or lower triangle. Makes sense?

Here starts my trouble. Three buttons pushed. Instead of looking
at a 2D plane, I guess you spread out in 3D. The diagonal line is
more than that - w

Re: [Scilab-users] Combinatorics

2022-04-14 Thread Stéphane Mottelet


Le 14/04/2022 à 13:12, Claus Futtrup a écrit :

Dear Scilabers

I hope you can help me out. My combinatorics is a bit rusty.

So, the spouse has purchased a lock and I wondered how many 
combinations are available?

The lock has 10 push buttons, they are numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0.

From a programming point of view, any of the numbers can be set on or 
off, meaning there are 2^10 = 1024 combinations, as far as I can see.

I wonder how they are distributed, and how many of the numbers I 
should activate in the lock to maximize the number of combinations?

The number of different subsets of k distincts elements of a set 
composed of n elements is the binomial coefficient (n,k). When n is 
even, it is maximized for k=n/2. Here

-->  nchoosek(10, 5)
 ans  =



Let's see, we have:

None (none of the buttons are activated), there's exactly 1 
combination for this situation. The lock is delivered from the 
manufacturer in this state.

All (all of the buttons are activated), there's exactly 1 combination 
for this situation as well (no variability).

One button pushed. There's obviously 10 possible combinations (push 
any one of the 10 buttons).

Two buttons pushed. There's 10 * 9 / 2 = 45 combinations. Each button 
can only be pushed once, so once you've selected the first button, 
there's only 9 left, but also we divide by two because the combination 
are doubled, I mean for example the combination 1-2 = 2-1 ... the lock 
doesn't know the difference. If you spread out the possibilities in a 
2D plane, it's like ignoring the diagonal (like pushing the same 
button twice) and also we either ignore the upper or lower triangle. 
Makes sense?

Here starts my trouble. Three buttons pushed. Instead of looking at a 
2D plane, I guess you spread out in 3D. The diagonal line is more than 
that - we have several planes where two of the three numbers are the 
same (and which are not allowed).

To help myself out, I've tried to write all combinations where one of 
the push buttons is number 1. We select all combinations with the 
second button being either 2-3-4 and so on, and how many combinations 
do we then have for the third option? See table below:

1-2-x   8
1-3-x   7
1-4-x   6
1-5-x   5
1-6-x   4
1-7-x   3
1-8-x   2
1-9-0   1


We can then do the same for the first button = number 2, and we get : 
7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 28 combinations and so on. We get:

1-x-y   36
2-x-y   28
3-x-y   21
4-x-y   15
5-x-y   10
6-x-y   6
7-x-y   3
8-9-0   1


OK, so that was with three buttons pushed. It's always good to know 
the answer (if it's correct :-/ I hope it is), but it's a tedious 
process and I was wondering if you could point me to an easy 
calculation instead? ... Ideally something that expands to 4 and 5 

I can 'invent' a calculation, which could be : =10*9*8/(3*2*1) = 120 
... if this indeed shows the internal workings, I'd like to know why. 
Sorry my combinatorics is so bad ... I haven't played in this field 
for a while.

Best regards,


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Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
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