
> I use the split authentication of ikev2 (client with psk, gateway with
> cert)

Keep in mind to use such a setup only with strong secrets. PSK client
authentication is subject to dictionary attacks, don't use it with
simple passwords.

> in the split modus it is for an attacker also possible to play mitm, if
> he gets the psk from the client.

A compromised PSK will not allow a MITM to do valid RSA signatures. But
when using ipsec.conf, there is currently no way to enforce the
authentication method the other peer should use. The client will accept
a forged PSK authentication of the server, as it signs with a valid
Therefore, using the same secret for each client is probably not a good
idea. A better solution would:
1. use a separate secret for each client
2. use EAP, e.g. MD5
3. use a CA signed certificate for each client
4. extend strongSwan to enforce an authentication method


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