Hi Joshua,

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Joshua Dunham <joshua_dun...@vrtx.com>
>  Does anyone have awareness of applications that can natively do
> processing on data / relationships in Marmotta in a hadoop type fashion? I
> was hoping to store metric type data (cellular metrics) which could be ~360
> features x ~10k cells x 96 wells (well plate) x ~5000 plates x N projects.
> :) Something like a recommendation engine to start. Giraph/Pregel/Bagel are
> some which I'm already exploring but it seems most want SQL-speak data.

Well, a RDF triplestore is per se a graph database ;-)

But I understand your question. In 3.2.0 we shipped a Titan backend for
Marmotta (see MARMOTTA-424 fur further details). So you can launch the
marmotta-webapp launched on Titan, either using BerkleyDB or HBase
depending on the concrete profile:

    mvn tomcat7:run -Ptitan-berkeleydb

    mvn tomcat7:run -Ptitan-hbase

I'm not aware of any user actually using that backend on production, so
they may need some maintenance.

Check them out and tell me if they fulfill your needs.


Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co

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