
I am trying to update my library, Simplestub with an optional add-on jar, 
simplestub-asm. It seemed to me that the simplest thing would be to covert it 
to a multi-module project, so I moved the original project down a level, 
created a parent pom in its place, and the add-on as a second nested module. It 
builds and tests just fine, but when I attempt to do mvn release:perform, I get 

>     [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>     [INFO] 
>     [INFO] SimpleStub ......................................... SUCCESS 
> [02:09 min]
>     [INFO] SimpleStub Jar ..................................... FAILURE [ 
> 20.757 s]
>     [INFO] SimpleStub ASM extension ........................... SKIPPED
>     [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [INFO] Total time: 02:30 min
>     [INFO] Finished at: 2015-09-06T16:29:13-04:00
>     [INFO] Final Memory: 40M/160M
>     [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-publish-plugin:1.0-beta-2:publish-scm 
> (scm-publish) on project simplestub: Configured content directory does not 
> exist: 
> /Users/russgold/projects/simplestub/target/checkout/simplestub/target/staging 
> -> [Help 1]

What am I missing, here?

I have considered putting the add-on into a separate GitHub repo; it 
contributes nothing to the web site, and I could certainly release it 
separately; I’m just troubled at having to do that. Multi-module projects 
should work, and I have gotten them working the past, but I seem to be 
overlooking something.

Any suggestions?

The repo is at https://github.com/meterware/simplestub 


Author, Getting Started with Apache Maven 
Author, HttpUnit <http://www.httpunit.org> and SimpleStub 

Come read my webnovel, Take a Lemon <http://www.takealemon.com>, 
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