Hello Maven users,
I'm in the process of mavenizing an ant build (alright !) but there is a
step, signing, that seems not that obvious to achieve.
I can use the maven jar signer and sign my jars ok , with :


And setting the variables in my settings.xml.
But, I want more; in fact, the people who used to do the signing with
ant, also timestamped their jars while doing so.
Why ? because imagine your authority expires in 2012, and you signed
your jar in 2011, you do not want your users to have a security warning
when they install and use this jar in 2012+ (since when you signed it
you had the authority to do so back then in 2011; at least this is what
I understood from this process :-P )
So, with ant, they did that :

<signjar alias="${sign.alias}" keystore="${sign.keystore}"
                <fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/buildRepo/plugins">
                        <include name="**/com.company*.jar" />

Did you notice that "tsaurl=url" ?
According to the doc, http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/signjar.html
"URL for a timestamp authority for timestamped JAR files in Java1.5+"
Thing is, in maven jar signer, there is not such option :
Is there a maven plugin to accomplish this ?
If not, should I create a feature request on maven jar signer Jira ?
Or, but I would feel so sorry, should I use the maven ant runner plugin
to do this :-(

Thank you,
Best regards,

Anthony Dahanne
Software Developer
Compuware Montreal
75 Rue Queen, Suite 6500
Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 2N6

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