MavenProjectBuilder not found in Antlib?

2006-07-13 Thread Knotts, Bill
I am attempting to use maven-artifact-ant-2.0.4-dep.jar to manage dependencies in my Ant build and have run into some unexpected behavior. The maven-artifact-ant-2.0.4-dep.jar has been added to ANT_HOME/lib. My build.xml contains: project name=mycspframework default=build

Convert Maven 1.x Repository to Maven 2 format

2005-04-28 Thread Knotts, Bill
Under the Ant Tasks for Maven 2.0 topic, it is mentioned that Tools are available to convert a Maven 1.0 repository to Maven 2.0 - please contact the mailing lists if you require this as it has not yet been formally released. How can I take advantage of these un-released tools? Regards, -Bill