Aw: database/users lost after upgrade from archiva 1.3.6 to 2.0.1

2014-04-01 Thread Michael-O
> Hi, > I have run into a problem when upgrading Archiva 1.3.6 to v2.0.1 > > Even though I retained the data/database/users directory, archiva fail to > validate accounts. > I have tried this a few times now and the problem is the same. > > It's running on tomcat-7.0.42 > Starts up nicely and per

Re: adding issue

2013-12-10 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-12-10 18:28, schrieb Leonardo Alexandre Ferreira Leite: Hi, I would like to add an issue in the Maven's Jira, but it is not possible to create an account. Someone here could add me in the Maven's Jira, please? Have you filled in this form? The intro

Re: Upgrade to 3.1.1 causes problems

2013-12-01 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-12-01 18:36, schrieb Wayne Fay: I'll ask my question again... What software is listening on HTTP port 2727 of the machine named "tyrone" and version? Is this Nexus? Artifactory? Archiva? Plain Apache? What version? ...guess what, the URL says /nexus/... --

Re: maven assembly plugin not retaining timestamps of files

2013-10-30 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-10-29 20:38, schrieb Steve Cohen: When building a .tar.gz archive with the maven assembly plugin, should it not be keeping the timestamps of the files it is adding to the archive? This is how tar behaves. I find it NOT to be the case with the assembly plugin. The files are dated with t

Re: Deploying third-pary jar via scp

2013-10-13 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-10-12 22:29, schrieb Kevin Krumwiede: I think I've solved my earlier question about my poms. Now I need to deploy a third-party jar to my remote repo. I tried this command: $ mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=de.kuxfamily -DartifactId=glasslib -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=glassl

Re: How can I compile all .thrift files (*.thrift) as a Maven phase?

2013-09-12 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-09-12 17:09, schrieb Andrew Pennebaker: I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to execute a thrift shell command. I can compile one file per with , but I would like to compile all .thrift files in a directory. How can I do this? I tried using , but Maven rejected this syntax. I have answered t

Re: need filesystem-level operations in assembly plugin

2013-09-10 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-09-11 07:12, schrieb Richard Sand: Hi all - I'm using maven-assembly-plugin to create zip distributions of our web application. It takes in the Apache Tomcat zip artifact, and the war artifact for the app, and creates an assembly. There are a couple of file operations I haven't figured o

Re: How to create new directory in target folder with Maven

2013-09-07 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-09-07 22:21, schrieb Bidlo: Sorry for that, I thought that this kind of problem can be resolved by some other Maven plugin. And since it involves maven dependencies and project building, I thought this a good place to ask (btw I asked on SO and I still didn't get any answer) Always refe

Re: How to create new directory in target folder with Maven

2013-09-07 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-09-07 20:56, schrieb Bidlo: Hello, thanks for answer. 1. It's a plain Java library 2. Not a Maven plugin Well, this is what I tried inside my library. File reportFolder = new File("target/myLibrary"); reportFolder.mkdir(); //this creates folder in the project which is using the library

Re: Exclude specific files from assembly dependency set

2013-09-01 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-09-01 21:25, schrieb Michael-O: Hi folks, I am creating a binary assembly during project release. All release artifacts are uploaded to RSO are signed with GPG. The assembly is not uploaded to RSO but to Now, I have created the following assembly descriptor: bin

Exclude specific files from assembly dependency set

2013-09-01 Thread Michael-O
Hi folks, I am creating a binary assembly during project release. All release artifacts are uploaded to RSO are signed with GPG. The assembly is not uploaded to RSO but to Now, I have created the following assembly descriptor: bin zip tar.gz [...]

Re: Maven Shade-Plugin strange behavior

2013-08-30 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-08-30 17:47, schrieb David Gay: [...] Why are all the transitive dependencies of the test artifacts being excluded It surprise me a lot (and made some of my jobs fails in specific situations, for example when using Sonar, but that's another story/problem) Please suffer with me: h

Re: Maven war has META-INF folder in two places

2013-08-01 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-08-01 18:19, schrieb Gabriel MirĂ³: Hello, I'm working on a project which uses JAAS and unfortunately for me Tomcat requires a file to be put in a META-INF folder in the root of the war app.war |__META-INF ||___context.xml ... I think that it's already weird since the defaul

Aw: [ANN] Mojo's Tidy Maven Plugin 1.0-alpha-1 Released

2013-06-10 Thread Michael-O
> Hi, > > The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of Mojo's Tidy Maven > Plugin version 1.0-alpha-1. > > The Tidy Plugin is used when you want to sort the sections of a pom.xml > into the canonical order. > > > > To get this update, simply s

Re: Maven Profile for distincts web.xml

2013-05-27 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-05-27 19:37, schrieb Alberto Ivo: Michael-O, how do you choose what webapp use? Manually? Please do NOT top post: Choosing for what? On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Michael-O <>

Re: Maven Profile for distincts web.xml

2013-05-27 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-05-27 17:20, schrieb Alberto Ivo: Hello, I have two different web.xml files. One for Developers and another for Production. Today I manually rename the file to use in develop enviroment and production. I would like to know how can I automatize the build using Maven Profile (or any other

Re: Is there a offline Maven Indexer API docs?

2013-03-26 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-03-26 07:56, schrieb zhu19774279: My network environment is not very well, can not online all the time. Where can I download a offline Maven Indexer API docs? thanks~ Have you tried these JavaDoc JARs?|ga|1|maven-indexer --

Re: Set on command-line

2013-01-08 Thread Michael-O
> The maven-compiler-plugin allows one to set the > property in the POM, the value of which is in turn passed as the -target > argument to the Java compiler. I would like to be able to set this > on the command-line instead, as follows: > > mvn clean c

Re: Retrieving interpolated property config from a plugin within a Mojo

2013-01-02 Thread Michael-O
Am 2013-01-02 20:31, schrieb Michael-O: Hi, I am currently trying to figure out in a Mojo how far interpolation works for the Model class. There seems to be a interpolation limitation. Say I define this: 1.6 1.6 The compiler plugin works as expected but when I try to retrieve that

Retrieving interpolated property config from a plugin within a Mojo

2013-01-02 Thread Michael-O
Hi, I am currently trying to figure out in a Mojo how far interpolation works for the Model class. There seems to be a interpolation limitation. Say I define this: 1.6 1.6 The compiler plugin works as expected but when I try to retrieve that plugin's config, those values are null. I