Hello all, 


I've a project since several years and I had not problem to build it.

I recently installed JDK1.7 on my Windows 7 and now my build fail during mvn
release:perform !


The build fail saying "unmappable character for encoding utf-8".

That's true as my source file are encoded in ISO-8859-1.


So I've added <encoding> ISO-8859-1</encoding> => no change

I try to use env variable : JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
=> no change

<skip>true</skip> to not generate javadoc => no change...


and a lot of other tests


I finally realized that the option file generated in the folder

contains options saying that encoding is UTF-8 !


I don't think it is a maven javadoc plugin problem as if I run mvn
javadoc:javadoc, I runs successfully !


Finnaly if I use JDK 1.6 it runs perfectly... But that's not what I want to


Does any one have any idea why options are not taking into account when
maven release:perform is executed



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