Re: I can't add project to contimuum

2007-02-18 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Martin, It could be that your URL is incorrect because Continuum couldn't download it. Have you tried uploading your pom instead? Dawn martin.villalobos wrote: Hi, i'm new in the CI world. i'm trying to add a Maven 2 project in continuum from the web interface but... when i try to do

Re: [m2] What is the default value for resource?

2007-02-14 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, I've tried this and it turned out that excludes doesn't work. I'm not sure if this is a bug. I'll try to look at the source code of this and check where it went wrong. Dawn Michael Waluk wrote: Can anyone tell me why I can't seem to get excludes to work for a webResource? I have

Re: continuum url

2007-02-14 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Rodrigo, I also tried doing this and got the same error. Maybe you'd like to try downloading prebuilt Continuum 1.1 snapshot and use this instead. Hope this helps. Dawn Rodrigo Gonçalves wrote: Hi !! I have continuum working

Re: [m2] Query in continuum

2007-02-13 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi! You can follow these steps: In your Continuum application: 1) Click the Maven 2.0x Project link on the left menu (if you're going to add a Maven 2.0 project). 2) You may specify a POM Url (e.g.

Re: Access dependency properties inside pom.

2007-02-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Marcos, Instead of doing that, try this: dependencies dependency groupIdjunit/groupId artifactIdjunit/artifactId version${}/version /dependency /dependencies property.name3.8.1/ Declare the version as a property then use that in your dependency.

Re: pom.xml

2007-01-24 Thread dawn.angelito
I think it'll help if you could post your build output here. Dawn Jan-Oliver Wuelfing wrote: Hello to everybody, I´ve encountered a prob with Eclipse´s Maven plug-in: It prompts that a project build error exist: failed to validate pom. Can anyone give an advice, please? Cheers

Re: null project

2007-01-23 Thread dawn.angelito
You can define this in the name tag of your pom.xml. Dawn adingfelder wrote: While I agree with that, I'm not sure how to give it a name (thuis the reason for the post) :) where do you define the project name? amorgovsky wrote: You could try to give it a name with something

Re: maven-surefire-plugin not found

2007-01-23 Thread dawn.angelito
Try adding -cpu (check plugin updates) when building your project. Hope this helps. Dawn adingfelder wrote: When doing a maven build, I get errors where maven is looking at maven-surefire-plugin. I tried to disable the tests in my pom.xml but it did not help. (I have attached the pom

Re: password protected repo

2007-01-21 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi! You may refer to: Hope this helps. Dawn Philippe Faes-2 wrote: Dear all, We have a maven repository which is only visible from within our organisation (over http). I whould like to share it with selected people outside the organisation, so I

Re: how do I copy a dependency to a local directory

2007-01-18 Thread dawn.angelito
To do this, you may use the maven-dependency-plugin. Hope this helps. Dawn Beagan, Patrick wrote: I'm have a project that has a few dependencies. This works great for the compile phase but for my packaging phase, I've

Re: [m2] Multple executions of the same plugin at the same life cycle phase

2007-01-16 Thread dawn.angelito
AFAIK, this is already fixed in version 2.0.5. What version of Maven are you using? Dawn maik.ebert wrote: Hello, if have multple executions of the same plugin at the same life cycle phase in my pom.xml. If have ordered them in the order I want to them to execute, but sometimes this

Re: Maven Compiler plugin

2007-01-11 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Raju, There's actually a compilation error. Did you run Maven using the -X switch? This must have caused the stacktrace produced. Try to compile again without using this switch and see the source file(s) that failed to compile. Hope this helps. Dawn raju wrote: Hi, I am trying to

Re: Need Help | Restricting execution to a particular phase only

2007-01-08 Thread dawn.angelito
to switch off maven-surefire-plugin didn't help and that's why was wondering if there was any workaround through which I can restrict the execution to one section of the two execution blocks in my script. Thanks a lot, Shinjan On 1/8/07, dawn.angelito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, If a build

Re: Invoking ant java Task from Maven or similar approaches in MAVEN

2007-01-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Raju, Try to set your M2_REPO to C:\Documents and Settings\yourmachine\.m2\repository. Dawn dawn.angelito wrote: Hi Raju, You can do this by adding this snippet of code to your pom.xml: configuration tasks ant antfile=${basedir

Re: Src directory not in the same pom.xml directory

2007-01-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, You may also want to refer to: for additional info. Dawn Rahamim, Zvi (Zvi) wrote: Hi, In case I have a pom.xml file in a directory and I want that it will take the src directory from another location than the

Re: Need Help | Restricting execution to a particular phase only

2007-01-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, If a build phase is called, it will execute not only this phase but also every phase prior to the specified build phase. There is no way you can restrict the execution to only one phase. You can specify a goal though. Anyway, you can't skip the test phase. However, if you want to skip the

Re: Using version range fails build, but exact version works

2007-01-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, Not sure if this one's a bug because it should be working. However, you may file an issue to: for this to be fixed. Dawn matthewadams wrote: Hi all, I'm using Maven 2.0.4 and the maven-antrun-plugin, and I express a dependency on a version of an

Re: Invoking ant java Task from Maven or similar approaches in MAVEN

2007-01-05 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Raju, You can do this by adding this snippet of code to your pom.xml: configuration tasks ant antfile=${basedir}/build.xml inheritRefs=true target name=test/ /ant /tasks /configuration You

Re: unable to get latest SNAPSHOT jars

2007-01-03 Thread dawn.angelito
Trent, I've noticed that your dependency version looks like a timestamp. Have you tried removing this? Also, I'm just curious... How can you tell that your artifacts were not updated? It might be that the copies of your artifacts does not need updating that is why maven does not update them.

Re: Multimodule Build

2006-11-27 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Brandon, As far as I know, there's no way that the default goals bound in the Maven lifecycle phases will not be executed. So even if you set mvn webstart:jnlp as the default goal for a module, it will still execute install. Dawn Brandon Goodin wrote: Hey All, This may be a dumb

Re: Don't add dependency?

2006-11-21 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Sha Jiang, Did you declare this dependency in your pom? If so, please show us a snippet of your pom.xml. Thanks, Dawn jiangshachina wrote: Hi guys, I have a Web application project. I added javax.transaction:jta:jta-1.0.1B.jar to dependency, but in fact my project doesn't need the

Re: Exclude modules from site

2006-11-13 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi JC, Have you tried using moduleExcludes instead? You may refer to: Hope this helps. Dawn JC Walmetz wrote: I have a pom with several modules. I'd like to exclude some of the modules from the site. I

Re: Test : preventing expected stack trace in the console

2006-11-12 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Olivier and Wim, Try using the --quiet option. It will change the logging level to ERROR. Hope this helps. Dawn Wim Deblauwe wrote: I already posted the same question a few days ago, but no answer yet. Maybe we should file a bug on this? It is annoying when converting to Maven

Re: Release plugin : same version of modules

2006-11-12 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Olivier, In your parent POM, use: dependencyManagement dependencies dependency artifactIdmy-subapp/artifactId version${project.version}/version /dependency /dependencies /dependencyManagement ${project.version}

Re: [M2] FAQ? Debugging unit tests in Maven2

2006-11-11 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, There's a simpler way to do this. Just append the following to your maven command: -Dmaven.surefire.debug Also, you may refer to this document: Hope this helps. Dawn matthewadams wrote: Hi, This

Re: Aggregate site generation

2006-11-10 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Alexander, I think site aggregation isn't supported yet. Dawn Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills) wrote: I have a parent POM which has two modules. Module A's sites get deployed to host/A/. Module B's sites get deployed to host/B/. What do I need to do in the parent POM so that

RE: Plugin Annotation to control Inheritance

2006-11-10 Thread dawn.angelito
From: dawn.angelito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Fri 11/10/2006 1:15 AM To: Subject: Re: Plugin Annotation to control Inheritance Hi Barrett, I'd like to clarify if you're referring to 20-30 submodules or 20-30 projects that each has

Re: Plugin Annotation to control Inheritance

2006-11-09 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Barrett, I'd like to clarify if you're referring to 20-30 submodules or 20-30 projects that each has a parent POM? For the former, just specify inheritedfalse/inherited to the parent POM. But if you have 20-30 different projects, I suggest that you create another project and include all these

Re: unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm'

2006-11-07 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, I think the problem here is not the missing Velocity resource. You can just ignore this. You may have tried creating a new project inside an existing Maven project which causes the build to fail. Try to do this again, this time in a fresh folder/directory. Hope this helps. Dawn Franz

Re: Final name

2006-11-06 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Laura, Using the finalName tag will change the filename of the artifact in the target. However, the one installed in the repository will still use the default naming convention artifact-version. Dawn Laura Hinojosa wrote: Is there a way to change the Artifact's filename to something

Re: Dowloading dependencies

2006-10-30 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi Saminda, You may refer to the following link: This doc however isn't released yet. Hope this helps! Dawn Saminda Abeyruwan-3 wrote: Hi all, I'm in the process of migrating from Maven1 to Maven2. I've being faced the

Re: Help on junit-report-plugin

2006-10-29 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi jfd, The junit-report-plugin is used in m1. However, it has a counterpart in m2 which is maven-surefire-report-plugin. You can refer to this link: for info on how to use this plugin. This doc however isn't released yet. Dawn

Re: [M2] eclipse plugin ?

2006-10-24 Thread dawn.angelito
Hi, You may refer to this site: I haven't used this plugin yet though. Dawn SoftwareEngineering Hauschel wrote: Hey all, wich m2 eclipse plugIn's do you know and use? seems to be