using assembly to create a war file

2007-11-26 Thread kalebral
Using maven 2.0.7 - I have a project that creates a war file. I want to modify the war file and rename some of the files based on the current project version. So my assembly.xml looks like: assembly iddistribution/id formats formatwar/format /formats files file

Using assembly to change file names

2007-11-02 Thread kalebral
Using maven 2.0.7 I'm trying to use an assembly to rename .js files based the build number. Below are snippets from my pom.xml and assembly.xml files from my pom.xml file groupIdcom.trovix/groupId artifactIdcp/artifactId versionTRUNK-SNAPSHOT/version

Re: Snapshots being packaged with datestamps instead of SNAPSHOT.

2007-03-23 Thread kalebral
Using uniqueVersion=false only makes matters worse for us. When we do, the jar files which we are dependent upon are not downloaded to the local cache as they should be when a dependent jar file has been updated. These are some very serious bugs that are really hindering us. Has anyone found a

Re: [m2] Assembly Plugin 2.2 - fileMode behaviour

2007-03-12 Thread kalebral
I'm still stuck on this problem, I have the following in my assembly.xml file and am using maven-assembly-plugin 2.1. Tried it with 2.2 and still see the same problem. files file sourcesrc/main/scripts/searchTestCaseEvaluator.bat/source

Problems with timestamps

2007-02-27 Thread kalebral
Using Maven 2.0.4, we have several jar files (with a SNAPSHOT version) which are built and deployed to our company repository. Other projects which use these jar files are having problems as the dependent jar files are sometimes included with the timestamp included in their name instead of the

Re: [m2] unable to get latest SNAPSHOT jars

2007-02-11 Thread kalebral
I need to ask one more time as we continue to be stuck on this problem. Does anyone have SNAPSHOTS working as they are documented so that it auto downloads the latest SNAPSHOT of a project any time it is updated? See my problems as noted below Lee Bieber wrote: Anyone have any ideas on this

Re: [m2] SCP after deploy

2007-02-11 Thread kalebral
I use the antrun plugin, here is an example which is bound to the install target. Create a property for the name of the machine you want to deploy to and then you can always override it from the command line. Probably better ways to do this, but works well for us plugin

Remove warnings when sources are not available with eclipse plugin?

2007-02-03 Thread kalebral
When using the maven-eclipse-plugin and setting downloadSources to true, is there anyway to get rid of the warnings when sources are not available. there are a lot of jars that don't have sources available and thus the log file fills up quickly with all of these warnings. Thanks. -- View this