RE: Any tool available for generating docs from pom.xml?

2008-01-23 Thread nicklist
Ok, to make it clear, what do you want to report about. The dependencies report show all your dependencies, the jdepend report indeed reports about packages, and so there are numerous more reports. If you can make clear what you want, maybe that will help finding a solution. With regards,

RE: Any tool available for generating docs from pom.xml?

2008-01-23 Thread nicklist
As far as I know, there is no default way of reporting in a different format. I know of some plugins, which can report in XML and HTML format, but each plugin has different configuration to accomplish that. cobertura-maven-plugin: configuration formats formatxml/format

RE: Any tool available for generating docs from pom.xml?

2008-01-23 Thread nicklist
When you start replicating reporting code to get a different output, I guess there is a flaw in Maven. Seeing that the Sink is an interface, it should be possible to supply the reporting plugins with a different implementation of the Sink to get the correct output format. I don't know what

Report for dependencyManagement and pluginManagement

2008-01-22 Thread nicklist
Does anyone know of a report which creates a page or pages for the dependencyManagement en pluginManagement with versions. I want to create a webpage to quickly have an overview of our companypom, but I rather would not want to need to update it by hand or in a different file. With regards,

RE: Report for dependencyManagement and pluginManagement

2008-01-22 Thread nicklist
I have searched for this, but couldn't find it. I've started to implement these reports myself by reusing a lot of the project-info-reports. Current goals: dependencyManagement: Shows tables for the 5 scopes, just like goal dependencies. pluginManagement shows a table with all the plugins in

RE: how to replace a java file

2008-01-22 Thread nicklist
This is not going to work. There is a difference between sources and resources. And filtering is also not what you want. Resources are copied to target/classes and never compiled. Filtering is used to replace ${variable} kind of things. This is not easy to accomplish. Maybe you could first

Best practices for seperate releases of parent and modules

2008-01-21 Thread nicklist
At our company we are busy with a commons project, which has a few submodules. Our current layout is: commons-parent/ commons-module-1/ pom.xml src/ commons-module-2/ commons-module-3/ pom.xml Now we want to do seperate releases of the commons-parent and the modules,

RE: Best practices for seperate releases of parent and modules

2008-01-21 Thread nicklist
But when you release the parent, do you also release all the submodules or do you run mvn with non-recursive? With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Jochen Wiedmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Mon 1/21/2008 10:52 AM To: Maven Users List Subject: Re: Best practices

RE: Best practices for seperate releases of parent and modules

2008-01-21 Thread nicklist
But normally the trunk should always contain a SNAPSHOT version, but only the submodules don't have it as parent as long as they don't need to rely on the changes in the parent. But if you use the release plugin to release the parent, will the tag contain only the parent or all the submodules

RE: Best practices for seperate releases of parent and modules

2008-01-21 Thread nicklist
In my opinion, trunk is the development version aka SNAPSHOT. Only the tags should contain the released version number. Each module should provide the parent version it needs and can only be released if that is a non-SNAPSHOT version. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message-

RE: how can I to use build time in pom files

2008-01-21 Thread nicklist
The newer version of this plugin is found here: And the artifacts can also be found on central: Hth, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Rex Huang

RE: about dependence transfer

2008-01-17 Thread nicklist
You give not so much information, but I think I know why Maven didn't downloaded the dependencies. Because it didn't have to. It wil only download dependencies if it has too. If you specify a dependency and need the transitive dependencies for compile time, you will need to add them yourself.

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
This can be be perfectly done by using the lifecycle of maven. In short, don't site:site, but call the phase site (thus mvn site instead of mvn site:site). Also, you could bind the assembly plugin to the package phase and thus run mvn package instead of mvn assembly:assembly. Try reading this

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
Looking at your post again and I think I understand what you want to accomplish. You want to include inside the assembly the generated site? Take a look at the Assembly mojo [1] and especially this parameter: includeSite boolean Set to true to include the site generated by

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
Please explain then what your intended result is, maybe I can help you better then. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tue 1/15/2008 4:09 PM To: Maven Users List Subject: Re: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
Ok, I'll understand what you want. Let's find a solution. :) Try it the other way around, bind the assembly:assembly goal to the post-site phase and call mvn post-site. If you don't want it to always run when calling mvn site-deploy (which is after post-site) add a profile and call mvn

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
Yes, the reason is that It would call assembly even if I want just run site for upload to my space or just for my development verification if my site is really fine. It would be just some unnecessary overhead. To avoid this, use a profile for now. Hth, Nick Stolwijk

RE: How to make assembly:assembly depend on goals?

2008-01-15 Thread nicklist
I guess the author is already aware of it: And have been aware of it for a long time (Hence it is an early issue number), but the problem seems with maven can not optionally execute other phases. Hth, Nick Stolwijk ps. If I may ask, what are your

RE: How to add a dependency - newbie to maven

2008-01-10 Thread nicklist
Your first step will be a visit to When you search artifacts there, you're sure they are on the central repository. I just checked and there are multiple swt jar files there. If you find the one you search, add the dependency to the pom.xml file and rebuild. If you can't find

RE: How to avoid transitive Dependencies getting packaged

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
Amit, Could you send me the output of mvn clean install -X (pipe it to a file) privately. I can have a look at it and reply here hopefully the solution. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: amit kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 9:23 AM To: Maven

RE: How to avoid transitive Dependencies getting packaged

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
If you want the jar file of module A working at runtime, how is that possible without the transitive libraries? Could you change the module to include those dependencies only at compile time? Then they won't be transitive at runtime. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message-

RE: Dependency versions in large multi-projects multi-modules environment

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
I have to investigate the migration to Maven in our organisation. We have a pretty large software base : about 100 projects each generating 3 to 6 artifacts. A part of these modules are a framework used by most other projects. On this basis I would start with three parent poms. - On for the

RE: Ordering of compilation

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
I am looking at building the initial java code in a separate module, then importing it and unpacking it as a dependency and then continuing with the build as previously designed, packing everything up in a single JAR at the end. I would go for this way. Even not unpacking the dependency, but

RE: Ordering of compilation

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
The target/classes directory is in the classpath (check with mvn -X clean compile). Did you generate classes or java files? If you generated classes they should be in target/classes, if you generated java files, you'll need the maven-build-helper-plugin [1]. Hth, Nick Stolwijk [1]

RE: Ordering of compilation

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
As an afterthought, I would still recommend two modules: module 1: compile and process-classes (which is a phase, to bind your sqlj plugin to) module 2: dependency on module 1 and compile This is much easier to understand for other developers and inline with the maven thought. Hth, Nick

RE: Ordering of compilation

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
In your plugin you have to start working with the maven api. To get the compile time dependencies as class path elements (like the compiler plugin) you would use project.getCompileClasspathElements(). To get the test compile as class path elements it would be project.getTestClasspathElements().

RE: does ignoreSnapshots on release plugin work ?

2008-01-09 Thread nicklist
The code of the release plugin is: /** * Whether to allow timestamped SNAPSHOT dependencies. Default is to fail when finding any SNAPSHOT. * * @parameter expression=${ignoreSnapshots} default-value=false */ private boolean allowTimestampedSnapshots; So I don't think

RE: A question about dependency/

2008-01-08 Thread nicklist
There is a nice way to do it. Don't start putting your own files in your local repository. Take a look at mvn install:install-file [1] or mvn deploy:deploy-file [2] if you are working with a team. Hth, Nick Stolwijk [1]

RE: How to avoid transitive Dependencies getting packaged

2008-01-08 Thread nicklist
Which maven version are you using? There were a few problems like this in 2.0.4 and 2.05 IIRC. Hth, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: amit kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 8:16 AM To: Maven Users List Subject: Re: How to avoid transitive Dependencies getting

RE: A question about using Mirrors for Repositories

2008-01-04 Thread nicklist
How did the artifacts get at your remote repository. (Your server). Do you use a maven mirror/proxy, like archiva or artifactory or are you using a local repository on the server. (Which is populated by running mvn commands on the server) If you use the second, it is not a real remote

RE: Existance of ZIP Archetype? | How to distribute DB code to different mvn modules?

2008-01-04 Thread nicklist
Unfortunately it is not just a new version of a plugin, but a new version of maven itself. To build it, check out the maven trunk and follow the instructions on this page: Hth, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From:

RE: Existance of ZIP Archetype? | How to distribute DB code to different mvn modules?

2008-01-04 Thread nicklist
I guess alpha-1 is not an official release, but just the trunk, which can be downloaded here: Hth, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Matthew Tordoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Fri 1/4/2008 4:21 PM To: Maven Users List

RE: A question about using Mirrors for Repositories

2008-01-04 Thread nicklist
Afaik, that is because with normal artifacts you are looking for com.example:example:1.0 from which a complete url to the pom and jar files can be created. With plugins you are looking for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-example-plugin:LATEST for which there should be some checking in the

RE: Deploying multi project as single war

2008-01-04 Thread nicklist
If you want to make a war of one of the projects, make a packaging war of it. It will copy all dependencies as jars inside the WEB-INF/lib directory, effectively creating one WAR deployment for deployment to remote repositories or application servers (Which deploy do you mean?). Also, copy

RE: generated-sources class files not in final artifact

2008-01-03 Thread nicklist
AFAIK, the compiler plugin won't take the classes from target/generated-sources itself, but only when the generating plugin add that folder to the compile directories of a project. project.addCompileSourceRoot(sourceDirectoryPath); The weblogic plugin doesn't do this. I guess, the weblogic

RE: How to easily determine all the versions of plugins that are being used.

2008-01-03 Thread nicklist
It's a bad idea to release it yourself as 1.0-alpha-4. Whenever there will be an official alpha 4 yours won't get updated. Better call it an alpha-3-companyname-number, so you can even update your own version with a new numbered one. Hth, Nick Stolwijk

RE: Maven Site, No Anonymous Access to Source Repository

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
The scm.connection is the anonymous connection. So, should continuum work with the developerConnection or the anonymous connection? (Or pick the one, that is available) With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wed 12/19/2007

RE: Maven Site, No Anonymous Access to Source Repository

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
I've taken another look and it seems the scm report configuration was not added in the current stable (2.0.1) but was added in 2.1, which is still a snapshot. However, the configuration anonymousConnection/ /configuration was not succesfull with both versions. It seems not to override the

RE: How to deploy corporate-pom?

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
I didn't meant on developer basis, but on project basis. Example: corporate-pom is at version 0.1.0 Project A has as parent corporate-pom:0.1.0 Project B has as parent corporate-pom:0.1.0 Project A wants a version changed, dependency added, whatever. corporate-pom changes to version

RE: How to deploy corporate-pom?

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
I thought the problem was with developers having to remove stuff from their local repository. Now you present another problem. In my vision, they should certainly not change automatically. At least not the tags, then you can have two builds of the same tag with different parent information,

RE: How to deploy corporate-pom?

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
Couldn't you put the version of the parent (corporate-pom) to LATEST instead of a version number. AFAIK, when you do a release it is changed into the current latest version. So tags won't change when you update your corporate pom. Hth, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Boeckli,

RE: How to deploy corporate-pom?

2007-12-19 Thread nicklist
I've created a jira issue for the enforcer rule and I'm working on it. With regards, Nick Stolwijk

RE: offline setting inside settings.xml does not work with Maven 2.0.7

2007-12-18 Thread nicklist
Also take a look at the XSD [1]. Here the offline element is of type xs:boolean, which indicates it should be true or false. Default = false, so even if you include the element it is still false. Hth, Nick Stolwijk [1] -Original

RE: Maven Site, No Anonymous Access to Source Repository

2007-12-18 Thread nicklist
In your pom file you have defined your SCM connections: scm connection/ developerConnection/ tag/ url/ /scm connection is your anonymous access on the web page. developerConnection is your developer access on the website url is your web access on the website. See also the

RE: mail-notifier

2007-12-17 Thread nicklist
Take a look at your configuration: property namemail.smtp.socketFactory.class/name /property Maybe if you try it with SocketFactory instead of SSLSocketFactory? Hth, Nick Stolwijk

RE: maven2 release plugin - no dependencies update

2007-12-14 Thread nicklist
If I recall correctly, the updateDependencies option was added recently. As you see in the plugin page, it is for a snapshot version. Perhaps you are using a stable version, which does not have this option included yet. As far as I know, the updateDependencies option is just what you need.

RE: FATAL ERROR on release:prepare with a super-pom

2007-12-14 Thread nicklist
De code at the linenumber is: if ( trunkPath.endsWith( / ) ) { trunkPath = trunkPath.substring( 0, trunkPath.length() - 1 ); } if ( tagPath.endsWith( / ) ) { tagPath = tagPath.substring( 0, tagPath.length() - 1 ); } Which

RE: FATAL ERROR on release:prepare with a super-pom

2007-12-14 Thread nicklist
This is deep down in the maven-release code, so no, you don't have to adjust it. Why are you using relativePath? If you remove it and do a mvn install the super pom is copied to your local repository and found from there. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: javijava

RE: maven2 release plugin - no dependencies update

2007-12-14 Thread nicklist
Looking at central, I see beta-7 is already there, so you don't have to use snapshot. Maybe if you try it this way: dependencies dependency groupIdgroup/groupId artifactIdsub1/artifactId version${pom.version}/version scopeprovided/scope /dependency /dependencies Hth,

RE: How to deploy corporate-pom?

2007-12-13 Thread nicklist
This is not good. The other developers won't get the change. And if other projects (and especially their tags) rely on this and you change it, you got not reproducible builds. Also not good. Just update the other versions when needed. It's the most clean thing to do. With regards, Nick

RE: how can I just create java files without compiling?

2007-12-06 Thread nicklist
Try to call the goal directly by: mvn axistools:wsdl2java When that starts complaining about an unknown plugin try: mvn org.codehaus.mojo:axistools:wsdl2java Hth, Nick S. -Original Message- From: oetzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thu 12/6/2007 8:56 AM To:

RE: maven goal deploy:deploy-file skips the authentication?

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
If I recall correctly, there is a bug in the settings. When you have a repository and a server with the same id, Maven gets confused. So, do you also have a repository configured with id ourrepository? Normally I postfix every server id with .server, so in this case the server id becomes

RE: Using scnm command with maven.

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
Try using the SCM plugin [1] to checkout the files you want into the target directory. From there the assembly plugin can use them. Hth, Nick Stolwijk [1] -Original Message- From: Vishal Pahwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Mon 11/26/2007 12:52

RE: Not able to pass multiple arguments to javac

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
According to the web page [1], this should be: plugins plugin groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-compiler-plugin/artifactId configuration compilerArguments verbose /

RE: Surefire System Properties not set?

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
You are configuring the wrong plugin: On the webpage: groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-surefire-plugin/artifactId In your code: groupIdorg.codehaus.mojo/groupId artifactIdsurefire-report-maven-plugin/artifactId Hth, Nick Stolwijk

RE: Deploying Non-Maven Created Jar

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
If it is only a jar file you wish to deploy: mvn deploy:deploy-file [1] Hth, Nick Stolwijk [1] -Original Message- From: Thomas Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Mon 11/26/2007 3:36 PM To: Maven Users

RE: Surefire System Properties not set?

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
and the system properties get passed through, I would have thought the reports plugin would pass them in. nicklist wrote: You are configuring the wrong plugin: On the webpage: groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-surefire-plugin/artifactId In your code

RE: Maven release plugin: Address already in use!

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
What does your SCM configuration look like? Which protocol are you using? Please give some more information. With regards, Nick Stolwijk -Original Message- From: Bashar Jawad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Mon 11/26/2007 5:11 PM To: Maven Users List Subject: Re: Maven release plugin:

RE: Not able to pass multiple arguments to javac

2007-11-26 Thread nicklist
I've found the problem. Plexus (which runs the compiler and commandline) is quoting each argument. So for this configuration: build plugins plugin groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-compiler-plugin/artifactId configuration

RE: [dependency plugin] Used undeclared dependencies

2007-11-21 Thread nicklist
AFAIK, this shows the dependencies from which your code is using classes, but which are not declared in your pom file, but by another dependency. ie. You - Project A - Project B And one of your classes imports something from Project B. This will compile. Project A releases a new versions,

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