Hi all,

i'd like to introduce the maven-proximity-plugin, a new handy utility
for using with proximity.

In short, this little and quite simple plugin allows you to interact
with Proximity over SOAP and helps in some other tasks:

It offers the following goals:

reindex-all : triggers via SOAP a "reindexAll" operation on Proximity
get-searchable-keywors : retrieves and displays usable keywords in
Lucene queries
search-by-query : passes a Lucene query to Proximity and displays the results

and finally, some "util" goal:

project-repositories : it simply collects project info and settings
and reports which repo (ID and URL) is used in build and reports
mirrored and non-mirrored reposes. Have switches to fail build if
non-mirrored repo is found, also it is able to check is the repo
mirrored against given Proximity instance.

For screen output samples, and more inormation please visit the forum:


Also, Proximity RC8 is out. For changes, see here:

Have fun!


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