Hi all,

Release of Proximity RC3 is here!

Major refactoring happened to Px Core, removing and greatly simplifying it.
API has been extended and cleaned up. Much much of inner changes happened,
which is partly visible on the surface. We switched to Lucene 2.0 instead of
older 1.4.3. "Under the hud" Proximity has number of enhancements, and a
"bad way to go" MavenAwareLuceneIndexer is removed, and a new extension
point (ItemPropertiesConstructor appeared) is added that empowers existing
plain LuceneIndexer and "metadata" capabilities.

New features includes "Artifact browsing" (browsing in Maven2 "namespace"),
links to project homes, links to file origins (in case of proxied files),
etc. These features a presented on Proximity site in "Quick start"

Updated site:

Download from here:

Changes (look for RC3):

Have fun,

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