[m2] Multiple Goals In Pom

2006-03-01 Thread Adam Leggett
Hi all, May be a simple answer to this, but how in my pom do I define multiple goals to be executed. I can achieve the desired result by typing at cmd prompt mvn [plugin1:goal1] [plugin2:goal2] ... [pluginn:goaln] But I would like to be able to simply type mvn and have these goals execute.

Re: [m2] Multiple Goals In Pom

2006-03-01 Thread David Sag
After setting up your pom you'd just call [mvn clean deploy] and it will do everything in the build lifecycle to that point. see http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html Kind regards, Dave Sag Adam Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01-03-2006

Re: [m2] Multiple Goals In Pom

2006-03-01 Thread Manoj Kumar
Hi you can execute as many as goals you want in the pom.xml. you have to tie up these goals with any one phase of maven lifecycle. when that life cycle runs the attached goal will automatically run. here is an eaxample that generates sources jar with compile phase of life cycle. you have to give