We have a codebase with about 28 active java modules. This code pre-dates maven 1.X, but was adapted to maven 1.0 and then 1.1, and I've recently created / updated pom.xml files to get it building under maven 2.X. So far so good. The interesting thing is that our products are more than just straight java. The 28 modules are the basis for two products, with some shared java code between them, and each product is then assembled (manually) into different OS / hardware variations.

Can you please give me an idea of how I can split these builds into separate targets, and how I can fold in all the extra-java assembly into maven 2? Do I use "profiles" to build a subset of modules? Do I use the assembly module to package the five OS / hardware variants? Must all "scripting" be done in Java, or is jelly still an option? (or ant? or other scripting languages?) The goal is to get all the semi-automated work I do outside of maven, into maven, and also to get "targets" in maven that build some but not all of the modules. The structure of modules is currently flat, all 28 are peers under one directory in CVS.

I've dipped my toe in maven 2, but I'm more familiar with GNU Make, ANT, the p* scripting languages and shell scripts. Thanks for your time.


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