This is a known issue with Archiva at the moment.

It is important, and will be fixed prior to an Archiva 1.0 final release.

- Joakim

Antonio Parolini wrote:

I setted up archiva as a central repository proxy and it works fine but for
non-standard artifacts, like ganymed (ssh).  ganymed is a dependency of the
latest maven-release-plugin and is simply ignored by archiva when requested:

Path to dependency: 1) org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:maven-plugin:2.0-beta-6
        2) org.apache.maven.release:maven-release-manager:jar:1.0-alpha-3
        3) org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-cvsjava:jar:1.0
        4) ch.ethz.ganymed:ganymed-ssh2:jar:build210

When I call the archiva jar url, it say "Not found" and nothing shows up in
the archiva's logs.

My url:

If confirmed, i think this is a serious bug ( it prevent us to release,
unless we copy this artifact by hand into archiva) and it would be nice that
it can be resolved before 1.0-beta-1.



- Joakim Erdfelt
 Open Source Software (OSS) Developer

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