We have a project that produces about a dozen separate JAR files.
These JARS are in turn used by a project that is built with Maven. I
can do the deployment like this:

$ mvn deploy:deploy-file -DrepositoryId="snapshot" \
    -Dfile="_build/tmp/api-lib/adbilling.jar" \
    -DgroupId="com.solbright" -DartifactId="adbilling" \
    -Dversion="1.0-SNAPSHOT" \
    -Dpackaging="jar" -DgeneratePom="true"

For each one. That works. It goes into my Maven repository, and my
Maven project can do the download. However, I am using Hudson which
makes it a bit difficult to use a shell script (not impossible, but

It would be nicer if I could use a pom.xml to set all of these
settings. Actually, what I really want is a way in a POM file where I
can specify all of these files at once. That is, specify in the pom
all of the files that need to be deployed.

Is that possible without specifying multiple POM files?

David Weintraub

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